
Yeah yeah but how was Dumb and Dumber to?

I approve this message. Seasons one and two were very good but after nick and jess broke up its now like that never happened…even though the seasons beforehand made it such a big thing. I feel like the re addition of coach didnt really help the whole dynamic either. He can be funny sometimes I guess but I enjoyed the

Dont gonna lie, the way Joel was saying goodbye to Zeek in that one scene had me a little worried at first

All I hope for is that Jake somehow ends up killing Rowan then goes back to that island alone and never returns.

Shonda-like, yes

That Chip story line kind of seemed to be wrapped up way too quickly where it was almost unnecessary. Given his violent and creepy tendencies how is Abby just all of a sudden safe now? Wish she would have atleast been the one to out him. Good episode though.

I'll probably give this show a nother couple episodes and then I'm out. It started off pretty interesting but Rebecca is awful and wes could not be more uninteresting if he tried. I'm glad Scandal has been decent this season.

Idk how I should feel about this but Im staying optimistic. I will judge much more as soon as I see the premise.

You mean an iron?

Judging by this and her twitter, she seems like a very cool person

Is that a type of pasta?

I do not understand the appeal of NPH

Like someone had said futher down, it relates back to that theme that no one can ultimately be saved. And that grandfather did have a slight temper and drinking problem that he was going to put behind him but who knows what happened.

Lol. Would have been Tommy, Jimmy and Gillian on that farm in Iowa.

He was either 7 or 8, and i mean growing up without his parents in general probably messes him up a little, living with strangers essentially. I dont think Tommy killing Nucky had anything to do with Jimmy specifically, unless he mentioned that and i cant remember. It was more about the fact that gillian probably

Who said tommy got direct orders from gillian to kill nucky in the present day? All that time tommy spent with gillian in that tent and their other bonding times clearly messed with his head, added with the fact that his parents were murdered and he lived in a brothel he isnt a well kid. I think he acted on his own in

I think what really did Harrow in was killing Maybelle, which to me is understandable and a good enough reason to go off the deep end. Idk if it was really out of character, i think it just showed he's human.

That scene was heartbreaking. What kind of surgery could she have had? It looked like she was in pain near her stomach.

Considering this show only got 8 episodes in its final season, I think they did a pretty good job. Not everything was perfect but I feel like this episode really made you feel for the characters and I liked the focus of Gillian and Nucky. Al's scene with his son was heartbreaking to me and the way in which they cut

I am not ashamed to say i enjoy watching shark tank. But idk how i feel about this. Expanding on the dog treat business run by a ten year old barbara bought into isnt necessary. They should focus just on the rejects.