

Speaking of him I found out the other day that is indeed in his early 50s and not pushing late 60s. Still not sure how that is possible/i didnt know that.

He really is great on 30 rock.

christina is from ohio isn't she?

Is Jimmy 100% the Commodore's son? Maybe the flashbacks are being used to build up to a "reveal" of something like Nucky is his dad? i forget the whole age difference between gillian and nucky and this is probably not going happen so i'm going to stop talking now.

So much this

Though Brick is clearly not that adorable little kid anymore I still find most of his lines to be pretty hilarious. The "it's bad enough being the weird kid, now i have to be the weird kid who shows up a week late to school" line made me lol.

Right there with you.

Wow I didn't even think of that. Tommy and Gillian will surely ride off into the sunset after brutally murdering Nucky in the final moments of the show


i really really hope they do not somehow get Ross Matthews anywhere near this show….it was going downhill pretty fast but please just not him

Shrooms is a cinematic masterpiece

He is just an awful human being.

Jost will look even less funny than he already is…if that is possible

Except Cannavale's deserved win for Season 3, yep.

IMO the casting as never been the problem with this show.

This show really got the shaft in its marketing…seems like hbo just didnt really care about it. I guess it doesnt help that it's so expensive to produce but still.

Did anyone else think that when the second young Nucky was introduced outside the house with Eli that it was initially a grown Tommy?

when will the super human phase of entertainment finally end?

might even have to do the unspeakable and just not log on for a couple days