
Hate his guts, but really the only way I can appropriately express how I feel at the moment.

My roommate always says Taurine in drinks make it taste like moose piss. But he like grape drinks so he has no sense of taste anyway.

forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school

“Resist now, or regret it later.”

Why is Getty charging money for a photo of Shannon Doherty with a pube in her eye?

This can’t be worse than that time she was in that one SNL sketch were Kyle Mooney’s action figures came to life and Grande was She-Ra.

My only respite when I heard Melania was staying in NY was that Donald Trump would only get to sadly masturbate in the Lincoln Bedroom and Lincoln’s ghost wouldn’t need to finally ascend to heaven (rather than stay there and see Trump’s old fleshy pink naked body on top of a lifeless dead-eyed russian model) , but now

Great comment. Thanks for reading!

Well, his anus is conveniently located on his face

Brooks did fake the shit out of his cancer doe, jussayin.

Not calling out Sam Bee here, but wanted to get something off my chest: I’m always a little disgruntled when “thoughts and prayers” get mocked and derided in the wake of a shooting. My church (hippie dippie New England Episcopalians) formed a Gun Reform Legislation Committee after Newtown—we have teams of callers who

Apart from Benjen and seeing an adult Drogon, this episode was so bland. I hate stupid Tommen. Fiercely missed Tormund and Brienne action, they live to see another episode. Emotionally preparing myself for either or both of their tragic deaths. As always, #FreeGendry.

I love Jezebel. I’ve read it just about every single day since I was 17 (I'm 22 now). I’ve hardly ever commented, but I’m just saying I’m not some rando. Very disappointed that there was a spoiler in the title of this post. I know that a lot of people talk about how we shouldn’t be so worried about having things