
Why retire as a Knick? Weren’t most of his memorable moments with the Suns?

I would also mention that it depends on how crazy the market is where you’re looking. Where I am, if a quality house hits the market and you haven’t submitted an offer within a day or so of the first open house, its already gone. Having your pre-qualification ready to go will help.

Because nobody wants to watch it. And really that’s the only thing that matters.

Methodology seems entirely reasonable to me...

Yeah, but he should also be smarter than to sacrifice 25 million in exchange for unwritten promises only enforceable by one party’s morality. Especially since they’ve burned him like this in the past.

I would assume this is more of a Playstation OS or PSN problem rather than anything to do with the hardware.

You’re almost certainly screwed as a group of solos vs a coordinated premade group, regardless of hero stacking.

Is Ultra Street Fighter 4 up there? Its mentioned in the blog text but I don’t see it in the schedule image.

The last time I went on an interview I got there 20 minutes early. I just sat in my car and screwed around on my phone for 10 minutes before heading in so I could spend less awkward time in the lobby.

Pretty much. Single player looks like forgettable nonsense, multiplayer trailer looks great.

I found the prospect of invasions to be horrifying and consequently played through the game hollowed and solo. I only kindled 3 bonfires, and after doing so I would promptly sucide.

Or, leave whenever you want because its your time and your money and the game was over before the 4th quarter started.

I suspect outlawing them entirely would just drive desperate people to get the same types of loans illegally, with fewer protections.

Yeah these things work very well. Our dog pulls like crazy with a regular (or Martingale) collar, but he does great with one of these harnesses that clip in the front.

Who’s rooting for him to fail? I loved Grantland and I hope this does great. But this is big-ass staff, made up of talent from other big outlets and I’d love to know how he’s managed to get it all paid for.

The standard size burrito is already trying to kill me. Why do I want more stuff?

I tried it out earlier this year based on several people saying it was good even for solo players. I was really enjoying it right up until I had to do a dungeon (something about pirates?) to make further progress and I bailed out there. But other than that, the game looks great, sounds great, and really feels like a

Should clarify this is for the Origins edition. Base game has always been $40.

Should clarify this is for the Origins edition. Base game has always been $40.

“At least if he knew what he was doing with Sansa, he’s a truly uncaring but cunning villain”

I know in LoL (and I would assume elsewhere), they counted bogus reports against the reporter and would decrease the confidence in future reports coming from that user. Basically if you do what you described all the time, your reports will end up getting ignored by the system.