Moose Kung Fu

Not every artist’s “true expression” consists of big sweeping world-shattering ideas. For Sigrid, when it’s all on the line, in front of millions of people, her Speorg-note came from her true desire to go to her beautiful hometown and be with the people she loved.

I didn’t find it contradictory. The main obstacle the whole movie was Lars’ ridiculous desire to WIN. Him letting Sigrid sing her song and disqualify them was him letting go of that. Sigrid wanted to settle down, have Lars’ baby, and sing songs for her friends the whole time. You can see it when she chafes at the

How are the terms “hard mod” and “soft mod” in your vocabulary and yet you still don’t understand how this is different?

Or, if you’ve spent any time at all doing raids, you have more than enough exp candy to rocket Kubfu way past 70.

Alolan Diglett is a seventh generation reimagining, not eighth.

Free-to-play microtransaction-filled mobile game, just wait 

I feel like homeboy saying his sexuality was not being reflected, plus Julianne saying she's "not straight" might mean SHE wanted to bang things not named whats-his-face, not the other way around? Pure speculation, but then again you spent an entire article calling that hair brunette so I guess everyone can just throw

This man is pulling 9 figures and he's still wearing that sweater vest, huh?

Layoffs are horrible, they paid Witherspoon way too much, and unemployment is at TooDamnHigh percent right now so losing your job is doubly, triply, quadruply tough.

Damn, the Star Wars special editions hurt this guy so bad he can’t even play tony hawk anymore.

Cutler was a shit quarterback for a series of shit teams, and Cavallari is an anti-vaxx reality show huckster. Neither is representative of the best of humanity.

However, Deadspin isn’t Deadspin anymore, it’s the burning, half-rebuilt husk of a ruined wasteland being propped up by duct tape and Spanfeller’s tears.

Sue the pants off of them.

That being said, the artwork they traced over the photos does look rather nice.

Lol imagine feeling put out that Shenmue 3 didn’t come out on the platform of your choice. Sega isn’t “back” until their bad games are properly multiplatform releases, dangit!

I, for one, am looking forward to their first game release in 2033.

It's pretty simple math. If I'm an indie Dev, I know that stadia isn't doing so hot, so I'm not likely to make any money converting my game to run on the platform. Thus, Google has to make it worth my effort by paying me upfront, in the hopes my game brings more people to the service. If Google isn't even willing to

Started Persona 4 last weekend. It’s my first time.

Yeah this is a recipe for gamestop to become the new Chuck E. Cheese, and that’s a best-case scenario.

I’m broad-shouldered and a little chubby, and I wanted to see how one of these would look on me. Alas.

Implying Lorde WASNT nihilistic lmao

The TFS crew has been done with DBZA for at least 3 years, ever since episode ~57 or so when the copyright strikes really started coming on heavy and you could tell that their other projects were becoming successful. I don’t begrudge them that one bit, but boy have they been in denial about it for way too long. They