Moose Kung Fu

Are these pictures 3D renders, or otherwise just very detailed hand-sculpted prototypes? Because if the molds are already cut, the most expensive part of producing this toy is done. Might as well release it rather than wait for a certain number of people to pony up, no?

Iron Man was dope. And included way before the movies made him a household name.

It’s my birthday, so I guess I'll spend the day with my father, the Sun God Ra.

I don’t doubt some kind of reparations are owed, but I don’t see anyone talking about what happens after they get paid out. Eerybody’s White uncles declared racism dead when Obama got elected, now imagine once the “leger is balanced”.

Eh, maybe I could be down for the prequel, but Kingsman 2 did so much to absolutely ruin everything good about the first one that I have no desire for a third.

Where are all the guys like you and Eric Sanders? I know that by the pure laws of mathematics, there have to be more than two good, sane people in law enforcement. Every time we see a cop being a shithead on the news (it feels like twice a week), I always hope that this will be the time the good cops finally say "oh

Ban both these guys from movie sets. Landis for being a predator, and Trank for F4nt4stic.

I just saw “Vice” yesterday. Fuck Liz Cheney.


I hate that our society has made it so hard to fire a cop that even these two assholes, on tape from multiple angles, are still riding desks instead of the unemployment line.

This feels like Dragon Ball Z Sagas: HD Remix and I am not about it. Luckily, DBZ is a huge franchise spitting out so many games I won’t feel the need to play this one.

I would have MUCH rathered a solo Cap game, a solo Thor game, etc. along the lines of Insomniac’s Spider-Man. Take the time to do each character right, make 5 great games over 10 years instead of this pile of nope.

Kavanaugh got six seasons and a movie where he cried about drinking beer after several hours of his accuser laying all of it out in triplicate. None of this works.

Look, friend, I know you think you're an expert now that you coached your kids' 6U team to third place in the local YMCA league, but this is the World Cup. Sit down.

It'll be lucky to get a VOD release at this point.

Slinging dub in the Louisiana summer for those $10 weekend special customers... never again.

We don't hold our liquor, it's just that we usually do our drinking in the swamp where there's no one to get us in trouble. His problem is that he started drinking in a populated area, with cops around.

I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, and "part-time cop in Brusly" should be a federal crime all on its own.

This man is without a doubt the richest King of Comedy and Bernie Mac is dead.

The universe fucking sucks.

I live in Cajun country, where we’re dead last in every important metric in the united states. But chicken cracklin’ is a thing here, so I ain’t leaving.