Moose Kitty

They're minors, and therefore cannot be held legally responsible for making the choice of riding with this shitstain. They could've made better choices of friends, but they shouldn't be put on trial for that.

Hum.... too Puritan for me. I say we do Wu-Tang style, you know, sew his asshole shut and keep feeding him... and feeding him.

How bout a good ole tug-a-war?

I have the sudden urge to test my Road Armor bumper on that kid's face. Who's with me?

This is going to shake up as a Subaru BRZ vs Scion FRS choice in that both are going to be equally acceptable but it comes down to which dealer you prefer (and get get what you want in stock the quickest) and which badge you happen to have a better perception of.


Now THAT'S a professional-looking Lambo test driver. And professional acting as well. But I am amazed at the number of commenters here blaming Jason for these shenanigans. The Huracans are not readily available, so seeing one is very rare. Anyone driving one for any reason must expect carparazzi and general public

Wow. What a dick. If they are driving it on public roads, anyone has the right to film them. Should have driven it on a track or disguised it if they didn't want it "exposed".

I have hope that this guy can turn Lotus around.

Now playing

First things first, get that Exige S over here.

I will not watch this GIF on a loop and laugh

After all that skimming, you must have been too tired to read the FOXTROT ALPHA at the very top of the page.....

The mental image I just had was slightly more than horrifying.

Man the anti Top Gear brigade seems to be getting louder and apparently more desperate. That episode aired ages ago and has been seen by hundreds of millions (thanks to Dave) so I'm pretty sure somebody would have noticed he didn't say tigger (which he did since that the rhyme goes) way earlier.


"Even when the car transformed itself into a 60-foot tall metal dragon"

and was even able to hold 260+ in the turns thanks to some really innovative work Ferrari's done with their ESC system that uses giant mechanical hands to grab on to things to keep you from flying off the track.

Much acid! Very Absinth! BTW JT - I just picked up two Ferraris the Ferrari. Want to go for a quick formation flight? I found putting my diamond rings in the front boot a good way to eliminate the in-air pitch.

I just shared this with the Math department where I work.