So much for all the whiners who complained that PS4 was being held back by Xbox One.
So much for all the whiners who complained that PS4 was being held back by Xbox One.
Except that Bungie, on many occasions, talked about the rich narrative and deep world they had built. So if anything, it was the expectations they set that has hurt them.
All of this stuff is a sort of too little, too late.
Yes, because if Gamergate is known for anything, it is for upholding its ethical beliefs about journalistic integrity, by trying to force journalists with integrity - like Anita Sarkeesian, an unbiased and independent journalist - to be silent.
Not necessarily - texture resolution is independent of game resolution. If you have higher resolution textures, but your game is rendering at a 720p or lower resolution, you're not really seeing those textures at their highest quality, if that makes sense.
How Halo 4 worked was you installed from the 2nd disc and then only had to keep the 1st disc in the drive to play. So it was kinda like when you used to have 5 disc CD games for PC, but only needed the 1st disc to play.
Yeah, this seems like pretty bizarre reasoning to me. Didn't Halo 4 come on 2 discs for exactly this reason? Isn't that the simpler solution?
This may make you feel better - everything they showed was basically bullshit and unplayable. It was a fancy non-playable tech demo and never anything more. It never would have lived up to the type or promise.
This area is arguably larger and more interesting than Destiny's tower, yet accomplished by a smaller team.
The PS4 version of Watch Dogs ran at 900p, so its not wrong to assume that Assassin's Creed is being capped for similar performance reasons on both consoles.
Never said it would save the Xbox, just that China has a relatively untapped market, which is the upper middle class, to whom this type of product will appeal to.
Yeah, the list of restrictions is pretty ridiculous. I work at a AAA studio and it was pretty funny to read through it and be like, "Yep, our games basically hit every one of those restrictions."
But the truth is, China is all about rules and paying to break them. I'm sure they will see Call of Duty and all the other…
Sure, there are always exceptions, and you're talking about the black market. I'm just stating from my experience of living there for a few months. Very few legitimate shops were willing to carry Japanese electronics, or at least in large quantities. Of course on the black market you can buy and sell anything. But…
While everyone assumes that the PS4 is the far away winner of this console generation in terms of sales, I actually think China may have the chance to turn it towards Microsoft, if Microsoft does a few things right.
Thanks for your ideas. I'll try them out later. I definitely like that it isn't hand holding, but I wish the systems were just a bit more transparent.
Can barely see the difference, a couple things are sharper but that seems like it has more to do with antialiasing on PC then anything else.
Would you mind giving me some tips?
Still under development. The leap in graphics for this generation isn't substantial in terms of quality, but does require a lot more time and polish. Games are more detailed than ever. And that means they are more expensive. Which also means publishers are taking fewer bets on new IPs and are doubling down on…
Black Flag, NFS Rivals, Wolfenstein and FFXIV aren't "next gen" remakes. They're cross gen releases. The exact same thing happened during both the PS3 and Xbox 360 launches - cross gen games like GUN, Call of Duty, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Tony Hawk, and many more. That's just for 360, btw, and just immediate…
I think Destiny has really messed up a few basic things, which is really surprising because its the sort of stuff Bungie normally does really well.