Just look at Nolan North, he's fucking Drake incarnate. If they have to make a movie they might as well just have him be Drake.
Just look at Nolan North, he's fucking Drake incarnate. If they have to make a movie they might as well just have him be Drake.
For the insect repellent, is this stuff I am supposed to spray on myself, or just around? One of them says to put in a spray bottle, I'm assuming the other is just to mix and then slather yourself in?
Just to be clear, you have to purchase a digital copy on last gen to receive the free upgrade. Hard copies from physical retailers like Gamestop and Amazon will not get upgrades.
I agree with you. I think my biggest issue is that the alarm seems to appear on every level, and it starts right at the beginning. There is no ramp in difficulty and it isn't a punishment for poor planning - it's just always there, constantly pushing you forward.
Not to be a nitpicky asshole, but penguins only exist south of the equator. That's some pretty basic fact checking to mess up.
Honestly, even better than Bluray, is seeing it in theaters. If you live near a major metro area, chances are there is some theater that does Miyazaki retrospective series at least once every few years. San Francisco just had one and I saw many of the films first the first time in their original Japanese, and it was…
Look at you, putting words in my mouth. Never said anything about the quality of the games themselves. But the people who make them are highly talented individuals. Just look up some of their artists, like Lonewolf (Reno Levi) who is one of the best 3D artists working today.
That's a kind of rude thing to say. These are high profile positions being filled, so it is bigger news. But IW has many talented folks working there and who have been hired there in the last few years.
I wish I had a Twitch set up. Me and my brother did the mission, but came back to explore. We found a giant underground cavern with some very difficult enemies (LVL 12 to 14). We think it might be the Moon's equivalent of the Devil's Lair mission. While no objectives loaded, there were a ton of enemies and waves…
No. They specifically say this is a work in progress concept. Maybe this one particular map will look more like Mirror's Edge, but I expect them to maintain the grit and grunge of UT.
What's the point of customizing your character if you would never see it? I don't understand this. People want to be Arno on their own screen, but would rather be a female assassin to other players? I don't quite buy it. I would be frustrated if I could customize a character but never saw it.
They have explained that since then. And I think their original comments are related to that. When they say it would be too much effort to animate and create a female assassin, they're pointing to the exact reason as to why everyone appears as Arno on their own screen.
The reason there is no playable female assassin is that every player appears as Arno on their own screen, so that multiplayer and singleplayer is unified (no pun intended).
Could they potentially mean Xbox exclusive DLC / preorder content?
Not surprised by the use of Unreal Engine 4. Honestly, the cost of developing your own next gen engines and trying to compete with the likes of Unreal is too much for a regular developer to match for much longer. A couple of the bigger companies can make it work by mandating an in-house engine across the company -…
It was quickly and haplessly thrown together. The first version was made in 2 days. And as a parody, it can't elevate the art form; it can only mock it. That doesn't make it bad, though.
I said that the popularity of things like Surgeon Simulator and Goat Simulator would lead to an avalanche of quick knock offs and joke games that would flood the marketplace.
So is it already open? If so, I know what I'm doing tonight.
Yeah, well...yeah.
Consoles have their own unique set of issues, but stability is actually one of the benefits. Playing a game on console, I don't have to question whether or not the game will work properly as intended.