Hey guys,
Hey guys,
There's a great FPS kit for Unity. I costs some money but is essentially already set up. So 5 minutes if you don't change anything.
That's not really possible. Given how far along the game is based on those videos, and the fact it releases this year, there's not a whole lot of reaction they can do at this point. Believe me - there's not a whole lot they can change in 2 weeks to E3.
I did not miss that part, because that part is ultimately irrelevant to the point I am making. It doesn't matter what you do with the product after you've already taken it. You've already taken it. They did lose a sale, because the only other way you could have found out it would have ran poorly is if you had…
"Seeing as how a digital product doesn't even really exist, nothing of value was lost or stolen."
Actually, a lot of artists did lose their images. Not the majority, but I know many people who didn't have versions of pieces on their hard drives that were on CGHub. When the site disappeared those pieces disappeared along with it, since they had no copies of it themselves. Obviously that was avoidable and…
People are just hating it because it is Call of Duty. If you released the same trailer, said it was from another publisher than Activision, and it had a different name, people would have been going ape shit for it. A game with Kevin Spacey? Crazy exoskeletons? Amazing! But no, we put CoD in the name and it…
I worked on CoD:AW as an intern in the summer of 2012. Titanfall wasn't officially revealed until almost a year later. There were already power suits and similar things in the game. It's a coincidence. Exoskeletons have become really popular, thanks to District 9. Edge of Tomorrow, Titanfall, Elysium, etc. Just…
Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened even faster. The only thing holding us back is internet speeds, especially in America. Streaming and downloading HD content would be more popular if our infrastructure supported it.
Those are definitely cool, but I think they only help to further illustrate how far we have come in terms of technology. Having the support of a next-generation game engine, including the advances like physically based rendering, isn't anything to scoff at.
Basically, internet speeds are now fast enough to allow people to stream game data (such as high res textures, etc). At the same time, it runs off HTML5 and WebGL, which taps into your graphics card like any OpenGL or DirectX game would. Essentially its a browser working was a wrapper for a game engine.
The level of graphical fidelity? The fact that it runs off WebGL instead of requiring a plugin like Flash to work properly?
How did he steal? Clearly says he paid a ghost composer to create the works under commission.
Do you not understand how ghost composers work? Like ghost writers, you are paid to create a piece in which they will not receive credit. The credit goes to the "creator" who is paying you.
A low install base is inherently Nintendo's fault, not the studio's. Is it wrong for the studio to not make this content anymore? Sure, but they're offering a refund to those affected, so they are at the very least not ripping anyone off. I would assume the math they did says that the cost of porting the DLC to Wii…
Really? You always criticize with respect?
Have to agree there. Cinema Sins often nit picks on issues that even the movie clearly addresses, making them look not only obnoxiously pedantic but also like idiots who weren't paying attention. And they're very rarely even funny. Honest Trailers is able to poke fun at the film in a larger, more fun way.
This. The deal went down in Bayview, one of the sketchiest, shittiest places in San Francisco. As a resident, I wouldn't want to go to Bayview or Hunter's Point during the day with nothing, let alone a $400 piece of electronics.
Choice words like mandatory?
It is mandatory. I don't see how that is being anything but honest.
As previously stated, Kingdom Hearts 3 will have a more brush-like visual style as opposed to a more photo realistic look.