
But they completely ruined any good will that game made with an unnecessary sequel. While Force Unleashed crafted an intriguing bridge between the prequels and original trilogy, Force Unleashed 2 created an incomprehensible plot that ended on a ridiculous cliffhanger. It refined gameplay but took away the soul and

Completely incorrect, if you look at how Disney has handled Marvel.

If the "aliens" could knew they would be speaking to Desmond, you would think they would have the foresight to know exactly where to put the device that would allow them to speak with him. Just sayin'. Not like Assassin's Creed makes much sense...soon enough it will be the new Metal Gear.

As someone at the party, I noticed they let a lot of scantily clad women without VIP passes into the VIP section on multiple occasions.

And soon enough, we'll get our offline console versions of Sim City, too.

"Hello Commander...Get ready for Civilization 6!"

Firaxis teased this very small snippet of a trailer for what looks like something XCOM related.

From the original article:

I agree with everything Blitz said, but also love playing God of War. He never said it was a bad game, so I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, just Kratos as a character is a huge dick and his reasoning for most of his actions are unjustified.

But we don't know how long these issues will go on for. We can look at Diablo in hindsight, but I think it is fair to judge the game on technical issues that are the fault of the developer. Server issues in always-connected games are the same as game breaking bugs. I would argue that, if there servers weren't up to

I think it is important when we're dealing with a game that requires an internet connection to play at all. If there was an offline, singleplayer mode it would be fair to give it a grade and note that the servers were most likely having temporary downtime due to the high influx of players.

Hadn't heard that - absolutely insane. I wonder what the initial loading screen is like - Skyrim usually took 20 or so seconds to load initially.

compete -

Yeah, I would love the opportunity for that. The game would just need to be based around that mechanic.

Fair enough. My point was more so that if someone can sprint for longer and farther than another player, that's an 'unfair' advantage in the world of competitive gaming. Games are designed so that each player trait, class ability, and weapon are somehow balanced so that a situation is never distinctly unfair to

Well, the whole point of Halo or Battlefield is everyone is on even playing field. Movement speed, player height, etc. are all exactly the same between characters.

Depends on the game. For Skyrim, I think it is a great idea and I'd love to have the feeling of being a "virtual tourist."

I disagree. Emotion can exist entirely without new facial animation tech. The idea that our characters will look more lifelike will make it easier for these emotional experiences to happen isn't true.

One thing to remember is this is an open world game, like Skyrim. And it's bigger than Skyrim.

To be honest, the bugs I ran into in Bethesda Games - specifically Fallout, as I never had any issues with Oblivion or Skyrim - always made the game feel more quirky. I never had any game breaking issues, but I never played on PS3, so that was probably a big help.