the f*ck I gave went that way

You’re actually very close on toxic masculinity but not for the reasons you think. The son is learning that you get physical affection as a reward for something as simple as sure you can use the iPad. I can only imagine what that turns into when you’re raised in that environment and you’re 19 and you did give the girl

Soon we will have the company store back, and will get paid in credits, not money. We already have some companies trying to do company owned housing. Seriously we need to improve history education.

AKA: Work has it was done a century ago by people with no protections, options, or a reasonable employer.

They need to keep the racist bs up so that white poor people don’t band together with minority poor people and start burning down mansions. “Because white people are in a tight spot and really need help but everyone else is lazy, shiftless, and irresponsible.”

“No no, Republican lawmakers are the real rioting arsonists trying to forcefully deplatform different viewpoints in academia”

Your ignorance is stunning! I’m not even sure where to begin.

I wish whenever people wrote frenzied pieces about “the opoid epidemic,” they also took into consideration how hard it is for chronic sufferers to actually get pain medication, largely because doctors are too scared or apathetic to prescribe it.

You can deny it all you wish but safe spaces are echo chambers used to reject ideas and flee from outside information in order to be ‘safe’ from them. It is a ridiculous concept that turns people into low information self censored drones.

I notice that a lot of young people are against sexism but ageism is totally fine.

So you chose a label that actively excludes gender nonconforming women, a group that’s already heavily marginalized in society? And are co-opting a specific, lesbian identity with a long history to do it? I mean, great that one LGBT person cosigned the appropriation of this term to apply to literally any woman,

But then there are younger women who aren’t helping the cause in any way either, such as Lena Dunham. There will always be women, young and old, who defend and even reinforce misogynistic behavior; if anything I think that today’s young women with such beliefs are simply more savvy about expressing them (or not

Our group, in particular, focuses on people who identify as femme — so cis-gendered women, trans women, and anyone who identifies as femme.

Oh, hell no. Walk that old ladies don’t understand talk right back. Mia Farrow, Oprah, and many other women disprove that ageist baloney. “General response” my ass. Go forth and troll no more.

C’mon. There’s a substantive difference between a “safe space” and a support group. I belong to a very necessary support group. One of the goals of the group, beyond helping people process trauma, is teaching people how to interact with the world without fear. We don’t take any pains to protect each other from

Oh shut the fuck up with that “women of a certain age” bullshit.

Why exactly wasn’t he deported at the time of conviction?

Here is an appeal detailing his crime.

I hope you “accidentally” get shot by a cop.

Right; the guy should have been deported more than 15 years ago. This is one of the basic problems with our immigration policy: lackadaisical enforcement has resulted in a lot of people living here for years even though they should never have been allowed to enter the country and/or should have been deported years

I guess it’s fair to say that he’s lived here “without incident” as long as you ignore, you know, all the mortgage fraud he was convicted of.