the f*ck I gave went that way

Do people really believe “signing a petition” means anything? Oooo! More than four million people signed a petition! Sick burn, brah! More than half the fucking country didn’t vote for Trump in the first place, but yeah... an online petition signed by 1+ million anonymous accounts will totally turn the

Alright, I’m going to say it and I know people are probably going to give me shit but whatever. I cannot stand Ivanka, because she is fake and false and exactly her father’s daughter in that she is every bit the self-serving snake of a con artist that he is, only she is worse because she is marginally more intelligent

By the way, you could also interpret “skimp on craft services” as “buy food that costs less” instead of “feed people less.”  But that doesn’t suit your moronic umbrage, so I don’t blame you for being a moron about it.

Wow. This whole thread made me check the address bar to confirm I was still on Jezebel. I guess it’s ok to attack a woman for her looks if she’s a conservative? Got it.

Yes, most jobs definitely count, which is why an increasing number of people have grown disenchanted with capitalism writ large. It also demonstrates how Franco views power, which is to say that he pretends that there was some kind of parity between himself, Famous Actor and Director, and a nude model. He had an

Yeah, but “you signed a contract, so it’s not exploitation” is libertarian shit-headedness at its peak.  

On one hand: awesome. On the other hand: I’m a little too exhausted from the work of my own life to take on fixing people who call me a cunt, whether they’re in pain or not. Lots of people in pain don’t call me a cunt. I think I’ll work on helping them.

Gilbert’s lack of self-awareness around her various privileges, particularly in Eat Pray Love, really bothered me when it was first released. I’ll admit I used to and still can be kind of eye roll-y when it comes to her. But since I’ve avoided her writing, I really can’t say what kind of growth she’s had since then.

Like, at the festival? After they’ve already bought their tickets? After she’s already got her check? I think it’d be pretty cool if “outspoken and liberal artists” weren’t taking his money/helping him make more.

You know what though? The penis is fucking revered enough. There are literal and figurative dicks everywhere. I appreciate she also painted a vagina but it was verrrry abstract. I don’t necessarily have a problem with anatomical paintings but enough with the almighty penis.

I also am giddy at how many people will suffer because of this.

Yeah, as a disabled person on Medicare, I can’t wait. It’ll be amazeballs.

So you confirm that you haven’t read the book. You’ve also confirmed that not supporting Tucker Max—who already got his payday, FYI—is more important than supporting Tiffany Haddish.

If this is just part of that build em up to tear them down cycle then it runs at super speed for the black female comic. She’s barely had three months of semi fame and some white chick already spent two thousand words and probably an entire week to of research to “put her in her place”.

And the gag is they are utterly incapable of even comprehending the bias yet they will claim wokeness until they are blue in the face.

It is a word I would use to describe the author of this post. I misread the comment of the person I was responding to and it’s a bit too late to edit the comment for clarity.

Because few people can resist the allure of putting a black woman in her place

Thank you. White progessives are tiresome individuals

because you have to tear down successful black people. you haven’t figured this shit out yet?

“We’ve reached out to Haddish’s management for comment and an editor at Simon and Schuster who’s worked them both. We’ll update if we hear back”