the f*ck I gave went that way

The answer to restaurants breaking the law is not for the public to subsidize it, but to force the restaurant to follow the law.

LOL no.

Nope. I don’t tip the hundred other people I’ll encounter who make at least min wage, either.

No, the black lesbians who snuck the photos before blasting him on Twitter are the ones who did it. Fox et al merely picked it up and publicized it further.

They don’t, yet liberals cheer at the show being yanked off the air, punishing everyone but the richest guy in the bunch who won’t miss the dimes.

Because too many liberals think career options like prostitution and pornography are things to be proud of rather than a symptom of a society in the shitter.

According to the black lesbian couple who actually did the shaming by taking pics of him while he was ringing them up and making fun of him on Twitter. Fox simply reported on THEIR behavior.

It’s the black lesbian couple in his checkout line who can blow you (since it would be transphobic not to) - they are the ones who started the shame train. Media simply picked up their garbage shaming attempts over Twitter.

This. SAG requires a minimum annual income in acting in order to qualify for benefits like health insurance, so if you don’t meet that threshold, you have to supplement with day jobs.

While I think it cute that you jumped on what you thought was an opportunity to bash Fox simply for existing, the garbage people you SHOULD have called out were the black lesbians that initially put Owens on blast and shamed him for the world to see. Daily Fail picked up THEIR tweets making fun of Owens.

Parkland shooting survivor and activist David Hogg

You mean male supremacist. Plenty of MOC acting like sexist little misogynists all over that place.

Bar is indeed set way too low.

They donate equal amounts to Democrats, fucktard.

Not that hidden then are they?

Morons, all of you.

I don’t care how well pedicured your feet are, if you have gnarly shaped or uneven toes, I’m barfing.

And derailing every conversation about women just because we can.

To be fair, the fossil fuel industry is a sausage club and so is much of government

I’ve learned I’ll be called that no matter what I do, because we will. There really IS no winning with men.