So how do they define walking? When does a walk become a run? What can’t they do that a runner can? Just trying to understand race walking.
Or you could not be a dick and accept that anyone can cosplay, regardless of level, and move on with your life? She likes the character and wanted to do it.
“You can only do that IN an NBA game, Draymond.” - NBA Disciplinary Committee.
That’s low-hanging fruit
Actually, I am surprised someone had the balls to report him.
“about damn time” -Steven Adams' testicles
Aaaaand... wrong.
You read the article, right? It’s coming out next Wednesday.
“Would I ever leave this company? Look, I’m all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I’m being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly… I’m going wherever they value loyalty the most.”-Dwight K. Schrute
Can’t you just tell her that stuff like this is it’s own genre and there’s tons of anime in completely different genres? It would be like someone not watching any Western movie or show because torture-porn movies like Saw exist.
Repeated blows to the head. Substance abuse. Abusive relationships. Emotional issues. et cetera.
Then again, even in the game, the main character is portrayed in a negative light and with no redeeming values on her quest to acquire love. It separates your choices and has everything in the environment tell you “This is morally wrong” but you go on because you have to wonder what kind of person would go through…
When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.
Please note that some people in Japan finds your whitewashing statements hilarious and would likely be using Japanese actors to recreate any Western media.
They were called "read the entire article"
"Spy guy-san"