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I am personally a huge fan of “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now,” aka Celine’s Meatloaf moment.

Big fan of this.

That took me back to my months of wiping on Heroic Saurfang 10, and finally managing to kill him as the last man standing with 3% HP to spare.

Completely disagree. It all depends on what you are hoping to get out of the permadeath feature. If what you are looking for is some sort of emotional stakes that are gonna make you FEEL things when a character dies, then yes, resetting to avoid death is spoiling that experience for you.

I just showed my brother, whose way more of a pokemon buff than me, and the first thing he said was “I can’t help but read the name as mangina”

No joke, I would absolutely pay like $5 for a Blizzard smartphone puzzle game that is just opening boxes with random Blizzard characters. Call it Epic Loot and let’s get this show on the road. Or let’s just troll people and call it Welfare Epics.

Between this, Diablo, and Hearthstone, Blizzard has become frighteningly good at loot container opening porn. Their next game will probably be called Open These Sweet-Ass Boxes, and I will spend several thousand dollars on it.

You think the pundits are bad? The Facebook comments were full blown retarded. As a conservative leaning dude myself, it's a fucking embarrassment.

Oh man... first gaming disappointment...

CGI seems like the wrong medium to use for Berserk. It’s too clean. The world of Berserk was well-defined but had a more rough-hewn quality to it. Animation in the style of Attack on Titan or One-Punch Man would suit this much better.

This is absolutely perfect given the original source material.

I don’t think they realize that the original OPM was ACTUALLY MS paint art on a webtoon. Everything since then is a remake. (and a brilliant remake at that)