Sardonicuss is a little more cuss and a lot less sardonic than I care for...
Sardonicuss is a little more cuss and a lot less sardonic than I care for...
Bobcats won’t attack people unless they’re rabid or defending a den. Since this woman wasn’t rooting around corning the thing and it’s babies, it’s safe to say it’s rabid. And hey, turned out it really was! This cat was dead anyway.
I’m not super impressed by killing a rabid Bobcat, as you say they’re small, but…
You are so right. Walking home—that is, existing in public—is exactly like jumping into shark infested waters with a bloody foot. Thank you for your excellent and non-sexist reasoning.
Goddamn it, WE KNOW! We know that we’re supposed to be aware of our fucking environments because disgusting, violent, criminal men are EVERYFUCKINGWHERE and we’ve learned to be vigilant (while, of course, making sure not to offend any innocent men or make them feel uncomfortable about our reality) from the time we…
Yeah, I gritted my teeth and used it during the #repeal campaign, because “what if your daughter was raped?” does actually work on some (clueless?) people, but it is a disgusting line of argument. “What if any woman at all was pregnant, and didn’t want to be or wasn’t safe to be?” is all that SHOULD be needed.
Exactly...I never understood this reasoning. If they’re truly about “saving the babies”, as they say, are the babies that are the result of rape or incest any less worth “saving”? Makes no sense.
God. If you criticize Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, the men will descend on you like you have attacked everything that it sacred in the world. You might has well have two women in the same Star Wars movie.
Oh god. I had to close out of the other reviews.
As I am reading it I am having a hard time imagining a show for the reasons that you mention. I enjoy the book but it is pretty disjointed.
I think it appeals to me because it looks like what would happen if Blair and Serena grew up and became moms.
You are the only one who truly understands.
Yes! It just seems really fun and sassy. I will totally watch this and drink fun drinks with the girls.
I feel like there are at least seven more articles in exploring optimal deployment of choice Chrises.
.Just like the trinity 3 yet 1, all equal
I agree with this!!
Perfect post is perfect!!
This needs wayyyyy more stars.
Motion passed!
It’s absolutely possible. Look at Citizens United and the gun ruling and the Voting Rights Act, all in the last 10-15 years or so.
Hemsworth did Australian Dancing with the Stars back in the day, so he can probably literally do that waltz.