
Easy, about:blank

Don't forget the Gee Bee Model R! One of my favorite aircraft, and a great racer, if you survived flying it! :)

Don't bother submitting it, it would never get made. It is not the kind of IP that Lego would associate with, that much is very obvious. They can release a generic version of a van that is RC, and do it for cheaper since they wouldn't pay licensing costs.

Thank you for being awesome! :)

With iOS 5, all AT&T 4S claim to be on 4G networks, it's just a lot of marketing bull.

Excuse me, but why do I care?

Not even close!

First of all, what, no dot matrix printers? Easier to buy than some of the other things listed here. Secondly, those are not rotary phones, those are push dial phones with rotary shapes. And thirdly, serial ports will never die, they are vital for enterprise IT and for a lot of network devices.

It's in the same aisle as headlight fluid! :3

Really? That's the record? I'm already at 210 sets, and have only been buying them for the last 3 years. Now I have a new goal ;)

I'm sorry, it'd only be "BMW" expensive if you added an extra zero to the end of those numbers. It's more like Bose expensive :p

In this situation, model is code for porn star-wannabe :p

Plus, kick starter is moderated, so it keeps a lot of the crap off their site. My personal favorite project (and one I contributed to) was to replace the N-Word in Huck Finn with the word Robot.

Bacon Girl!

*sighs* for all the idiots who didn't bother to read the linked article "All the source files are archived on the original Blue Marble page. They’re free to use and modify, but you can’t use them to imply you’re associated with NASA. "

Or rain!

Just FYI, the link goes to the "Deluxe" edition, whatever that is. If you go back, and look at the original link here: [] you can see that it was released yesterday apparently.

Worst. Analogy. Ever.


Agreed, I got a great mechanical keyboard at work, and I type so fast on it, people down the hallway complain that it sounds like a machine gun! They I'm not actually typing, but fake-typing to make a lot of noise