
When I look back on this comment it will be exactly as moronic as it appears right now.

Michelle Rhee responded in kind as the female half of America’s Worst Power Couple by firebombing several public schools

Here come the Sweaty Pitt jokes

Good idea, Sean, stick to the shady areas.

Pitt will offer dri-fit dress shirts as the clinching incentive.

The man who punched the black protester at the Trump rally in North Carolina sure wasn’t fucking cute. He’s a 78 year old white man who’s been arrested for assault.

But then Gossage launches into a tirade about computers, and steroids, and other things kids today are into, and the whole thing is just so over-the-top—I feel like we’re skirting Poe’s Law here—that it’s really hard to get too mad at him. Like, you wouldn’t get outraged at the old man who sits on his porch yelling

lol @ the idea that capitalism and corruption are two different things

“I almost signed him.”

This needs to be at the top, and the only comment. Just erase all the rest, Deadspin.

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

I have absolutely nothing against the Vikings or their fans, and in fact wish they’d won this game, but I’m deeply looking forward to Deadspin getting their hands on some cell phone vids from Vikings bars on this play.

Because it is. It has a deity and it has ceremonies, just because a lot more consider it weird or strange doesn’t make it any less “religious”. Being strange and weird make it the the perfect counter to practicing christianity not to mention it’s the yin to its yang.

The bit about it being before the post game talk is what kills it for me. I actually don’t have a problem if, after the game is over and everyone has been dismissed, he groups up with people to pray if they want to. At that point nobody who doesn’t want to be a part of it has to be involved or is inconvenienced in any

Those Cards sure knew how to lose the right way.