It was diabolical. It didn't even click until he made the comment about aiming Kristen like a weapon. Sort of impressed.
It was diabolical. It didn't even click until he made the comment about aiming Kristen like a weapon. Sort of impressed.
She was Pakistani but living in Saudi Arabia. I’m wondering if she was the one who radicalized him because he was apparently average and boring until he met her.
That just made me giggle. I've heard the song, I have the song, and I've never noticed the ticking. Sorry that happened to you.
My thermostat alternates between 69 and 70 for the most part, so I’m inclined to agree with your boyfriend.
Lol. She has determination!
This is my new favorite baby, in life. Toddler but you know. That face!
That was soooo cute!
Bless you.
I agree. I think Don was the only one Brianna liked. And she’s still close to him.
You know that's Meagan Goode and Keke Palmer, right?
Never wise to piss off a West Indian woman and definitely not one from NYC.
I’m awful. I laughed at your last line.
I heard this in his voice.
I looked. I think I found it. It’s 1804 and in NY, NY. It only mentions his wife Elizabeth and his children. Executors are John Church, Nicholas Fish, and Nathaniel Pendleton. I don’t remember enough about him to know if these sound right. Only that he was West Indian.
It’s how I use Ancestry. I usually have a tree open in one tab, the search feature in another, and in another. Maybe try using the app on your phone/iPad at the same time you’re using the website on the computer?
Open multiple tabs in your browser.
You’ll find out the truth one day. I don’t know anything about the drugstore DNA kits but I’ve done the regular DNA tests. They’re $99 unless Ancestry or FTDNA has a sale. 23andme has never gone below that.
Ah! Yes, that happens. More often than people realize. Adoptive parent(s) also being bio. I get the divorce. Go mom!
I’m still confused. Who adopted you? And who was that text meant for?!
Some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.