Google offered to translate but just skimming the first paragraph in Italian, I can see they shared her name and age as well. That's just too awful...
Google offered to translate but just skimming the first paragraph in Italian, I can see they shared her name and age as well. That's just too awful...
Can there be a PSA about this?
Yeah, I noticed but no one else seemed to. Google was amazing.
Me too! Jason was so great in that. CBS sucks.
And the pout.
Maybe he doesn't want to maintain it?
You've noticed this too? I search for things and nothing related to what I typed comes up. Wtf happened?
Betrayal is growing on me. Glad I'm not alone.
That's what I was about to ask. This is a beloved sport worldwide. Hipsters don't own it.
I didn't see the word "all". Heck, I didn't even see "many". OP said "bland white women".
My bad, I had it in my head that Michelle had all the catchphrases, like "Duh".
That was Michelle's line.
Excellent point. The collector is the actual owner.
Oooooh. Intrigue!
Yeah, I didn't grow up poor but I never turn down money.
I don't think it's him.
Me too!! I actually took a break because I was so traumatized and I had no one to share that with. I recovered and finished though. Loved the Christmas ep.
Yeah, same here. Can't say I know her music at all but I always heard about how amazing she was. Shame.
That's inspired. I can even see a resemblance especially with this picture of Linda Taylor's half smile.