Cyrus bought the whole Eli Pope/Smithsonian story. Fitz doesn't seem to know either. So it's the office and Jake.
Cyrus bought the whole Eli Pope/Smithsonian story. Fitz doesn't seem to know either. So it's the office and Jake.
Can't just admit you went on a tirade against the wrong poster, can you? I used to respect you and always looked forward to your remarks. It's a shame.
An ally? To who? I'm a black Jamaican woman.
What's off the point about a person of color saying they think white people don't have empathy for people of color in the comments section of an article about a person of color being shot to death while asking for help?
I don't believe in unnecessary arguing, no. Life's too short. This wasn't about my feelings at all though. You're smart. Reread.
That right there is the problem. Someone walking home being deemed suspicious. That's the racial profiling that people have been trying to point out to you. If Trayvon was Josh or Brad and had lighter skin, his walking home wouldn't be "suspicious" and that is the fundamental issue of this entire tragedy. As for being…
Watch that be a tourism campaign,
Which fact says she even opened her mouth? Much less banged on the door? All we know is she knocked and that she turned away. Don't make things up to make yourself feel better. Since you imply you care about facts, stick to them.
Me too. I'm considering staying.
I'm actually not opposed to this. No one would put it up though because they're not ever going to admit to the truth of the sign. One can dream...
We'll find out some time in the next year or so when the trial (if there is one) ends.
Exactly. I love how people are all like wait until the facts come out because they're hoping against hope that this girl was a gangbanger out to rob someone and totally deserved to get her head blown off cuz I mean, black people, amirite? No one deserves to be shot for knocking on your door and walking away. Period.
A kid walking home is suspicious? Jesus Christ.
I get what you're saying but I don't see anything wrong with mourning the loss of a child no matter the circumstances. When I think of the risky crap I was doing at her age, I feel sick to my stomach and grateful that I didn't bump into the wrong fool with a gun. No matter what race the shooter is, this shouldn't have…
Ugh. I'm on my iPad and I tried to hit the star but hit reply. Who knew my fingers were so fat?
There was a 19 year old shot in the back of her head because she knocked on the wrong door. Or is that not a story?
I think you meant to respond to the OP.
Totally agree but I get the defensiveness too. I feel like the anger apologist tonight. Sometimes people need to just vent or break shit. Doesn't mean they really hate all white or all any people. And when I see blanket statements or stereotypes, I feel like I have to say, wait a sec, hey there. Just didn't want…