What about "alleged victim"? I feel like that's more common.
What about "alleged victim"? I feel like that's more common.
Based on Winston's comments, I'd save my breath.
I used to love the Silver Fox but he has fallen off the past year or so. He comes across like a catty high school girl instead of distinguished reporter now.
You're not alone. I disagree with the entire premise because it just sounds like it doesn't matter who you date as long as you're dating. I just can't operate like that.
Are you related to Lori Trespicio? I went to BC at the same time as her although she was a year or two older. Small world.
That's so cute!
I don't wear makeup unless I'm in a wedding or something else special is going on so this is like another world to me. I really don't get the fascination at all.
I cannot stand Erin Burnett. It isn't her fault though. The sound of her voice just makes me want to cut my ears off.
That is really sweet! You improved his quality of life.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was awesome! Thank you for mentioning that.
Hated Dawn! I still watched every episode though.
Agreed. So much money goes into the "war on drugs" and it's clearly not doing a damn thing.
I read it! Love Zadie Smith.
Try sending a friend request and see what he does. I know people who have honestly accidentally deleted people. Shoot, I've done it myself.
You won because you didn't get stuck with that loser.
Yeah, I laughed. There are some people I know that I can see, saying exactly this with a straight face.
All about the hiding.