Same here. I'm flying out of JFK this week and I still didn't get that it was the airport until I read the article. It should have read "TSA stops Emma Watson".
Same here. I'm flying out of JFK this week and I still didn't get that it was the airport until I read the article. It should have read "TSA stops Emma Watson".
I'm not a therapist but I have my own dysfunctional family woes so here goes: cut her off. You do only get one mother, it's true but not everyone is cut out to be a parent and this woman sounds like drama no one needs. I currently speak to less than half my relatives and I am sooo much happier. I love them still but…
That's what I thought when I read it which is why I was like yeah, ok...
Good God! I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope for your sake and other victims', that this poor girl actually gets some real justice.
Ah. Yes, that makes sense. I hope that doesn't deter the witnesses though. Let's hope their parents are tough enough to help them stand up and tell the truth.
That is absolutely awful and I'm so sorry you went through that. May I ask, how is your relationship with your mother now?
They've already uncovered underage drinking at local bars, drug dealing, and illegal gambling. This town has a bright ass spotlight on it right now.
Who would threaten witnesses though? Threats against the defendants, I can understand but not the witnesses. If this case hadn't gotten national attention, it would have been swept under the rug so the people who would threaten the defendants would be encouraging the witnesses. This is why I think the lawyers are…
I was wondering how come I'd never heard about Harold...
I'm so jealous! Mine is business attire daily. No such thing as Casual Friday.
Same here. Though I've just always been generally a loudmouth. I would have called the cops so freaking fast. I don't know how anyone could stand by while this was happening much less laugh. There's a piece of your soul missing if all you can do is think, "Awkward..." while someone is being violated.
She earned a cussing by being bold and dumb. Sorry this happened during the holidays but it's better that the truth is out. Hang in there.
Yes!! Such a good show. At the end of every episode, I gasp.
My mom is a redhead with brown eyes. We're Jamaican so recessive genes are always a fun surprise in our family.
She's gorgeous!
Thank you for writing this, Katie.
Ok. That's what I thought. Thank you!
It's been so hard!! Is there a support group for those of us who totally cheated and watched already?
Which station is that? I'm racking my brain here.