Moon Rivers

I'm just as confused as you are. I was saying to someone earlier today, I don't understand the shock here. Although I guess if you do your own polls and only acknowledge your own data, I can sort of see why some Republicans were surprised... Still, he's been in office for four years already. Everyone still has their

How depressing, if true. This is an odd reaction from a police department though. How can they say it wasn't rape? If she went to the hospital, she most likely had a rape kit done.

One stop shopping!

That math works for me.

Wow! My conservative friends are literate, thankfully. We disagree but there's been no defriending on Facebook. People are seriously losing their minds over this!

The idiotic depths to which people will sink to discredit this man are sickening.

Rest assured, I would still say "Awww" at Dubya cuddling cute kids. He frustrated me politically but I don't think he was a monster. As for the reminder, you're welcome!

1. I only responded once. 2. Yes, I'm familiar with the National Defense Authorization Act and no, it doesn't sit well with me. 3. I may not agree with everything Obama does but I do believe he's doing what he thinks is best. 4. This was an article about cute kids. Relax.

Or to sign the petition to secede. Later, y'all!

Me too!! I couldn't stand her for years and lately I'm kind of like, do your thing, Ri Ri.

I like your style.

It isn't. - 31 year old single female

So so sad. Poor little babies.

I laughed. Also with the "your all uneducated" or "your all idiots", whatever that kid said. I didn't feel bad for laughing.

I had a super wealthy boss (huge Republican donor) and one day when my co-worker came to work and realized she'd left her wallet, he sent me down to lend her money for the cab. Me, his assistant, while his wallet sat on my desk stuffed with I kid you not, a bunch of hundred dollar bills. He must have had at least

Or math...

Truth! That's the only upside of the now exposed racism. Black people and other people of color knew it never went away. Now there's proof.

True things. I have a Twitter account and I've never tweeted. Partly because I'm not a celebrity. This new generation thinks their every thought is precious enough to be shared with the world and I just do not get it.

You know that was probably from the Chris Rock skit.

Someone's getting detention...