It’s so frustrating how ambitious their efforts are, ‘on paper’ - an EP, inspired by a season, with a weird backstory/perspective of visiting spirits experiencing spring, or something? Sure! And then it’s just...This.
It’s so frustrating how ambitious their efforts are, ‘on paper’ - an EP, inspired by a season, with a weird backstory/perspective of visiting spirits experiencing spring, or something? Sure! And then it’s just...This.
Thanks for doing more than the article commenting about a press release or whatever!
Oo, that would’ve been an interesting new take to see - and Robert Pattinson’s take on That (playing those personalities - the compulsory partier, the angry child lashing out) sounds really good to me
Ugh, hate this conversation - do you have any link to an article stating total losses for 2021? Every cursory Google search results in their unaudited Q4 2021 results
Of course - except (as per the article Barsanti links to in This article), AMC raised $917 million last year, so they were (mostly) fine, and - as one can reasonably assume - the executives didn’t make ‘sacrifices’ of themselves in any way whatsoever, and certainly didn’t do this upcharging to raise staff pay/give…
I don’t understand how Multiple comments to this article are like, “Well, what am I supposed to do? Not lick their boots? Get Over yourself, Barsanti! Why are there trailers?! Movies are too long! Can’t I just pay them for a subscription in addition to the tickets in peace?"
Considering it’s Bill Burr, this sounds less like ‘Tim Allen hates the present’ and more like the movie sequel to Men of a Certain Age that I’ve always wanted
As soon as that started happening, I was like, "no no no no" (but happily?) - this show is so great
Have you met people? They absolutely need that. There are many films/pieces of art that fail their own ‘intention’, or just don’t have one - sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it doesn’t work, but sheesh. I really don’t know why the AV Club (and seemingly the commentariat) suddenly retroactively hates McKay and all of…
I’m sure it’s super annoying to do all the research, and edit, and hyperlink etc for something like this, but thanks for doing it at all
Also, I Always hated the fake PSA/commercials/new mascot bits - you were just telling us about how policies need to be enacted before more people die, so no, I don’t want to hear from whatever actor that had a light week
I was like, “Why is this smarmy/Almost repulsively slimy yet engaging actor so familiar?”
Finally started to watch this, immediately was like, “God I hope this kid gets hit by a car”
I hate how much my brain lit up at the headline
I know that game took so much effort, but it’s based on the NES games - aka the least fluid/enjoyable version games from that time (not the SNES/Genesis/Arcade games). Just bleh for me
For all the Yellow Springs residents suddenly commenting on The Root -
Right? Like in no world would, “sitting in the chair of the head of the organization” be the Best thing to do, I know it wasn’t great for Steve to ask Carrie those questions (bc - unfortunately - Miranda would be the best person to have that conversation with) - but he’s also known Carrie for forever, and her coward-panic (“You know how long this was going on for right?” *steps into paint then cry for help from the…
Damn it - guess I’ll see this a year later when it’s no longer on Showtime
Right? I was going to post a parasocial Aggrieved comment, but then was like, “eh, there was So much to cover in the recap - someone will mention it - probably with a ‘shout out’”