
Duh. . .it's the processor working overtime rendering all that crazy Japanese alphabet.

I wonder if I can get the free Buca lasagna deal to go. . .

@silver-bolt: On the flip-side. . .if they plan on telling the origin story of the Riddler (which the Dark Knight set up perfectly), Eccleston may be too old for the role. . .they'll need someone with a little more youth. . .

I was hoping for Giovanni Ribisi.

@NaraVara: I can believe that - my MBP is mainly my workhorse. When I'm gaming, I'm usually relaxing my couch with the 360 or the PS3.

@OrionNFO: I will bet my CS5 Master Suite that my MacBook Pro starts up and opens photoshop before your [insert PC brand here] machine can even load the desktop. Not only that, but I would be willing to be that the MPB does graphic intensive rendering, 2D and 3D in a fraction of the time of said PC.

@Cintax: I'd argue that point, but I think neither of us would win. A native Win7 install on a new MacBook Pro (let's go i7, max ram since we're comparing it against a well speced alienware system) means native support for most games made to run on windows 7. The only trouble you might bump into is the graphics card

@Eric Tate: lol- all our IT and development guys here are on Macs - by choice - in a largely Windows network (1200+).

@venc: Not only can you install Windows 7 natively, your MacBook will run it better and faster than your $3k alienware.

Only way to go, IMO. Of course, the card of choice changes from month to month. . .I had a CycloDS Evolution to start with (which was awesome) but I lost it, so I ended up replacing that one with an iEdge DS which is awesomer. IMO, you can't go wrong with either of those, either. But, I trust lifehacker to do their

I think I got stuck in a tesseract there somewhere after paragraph 4. . .

just preordered on amazon - 97.99

every time I see these things I think of Skynet.

how long until we get one that can charge my laptop?

@Ozzie, The Banana Man Fan: Aha - so we're in the upper stratosphere here. . .that curve in the lower left corner threw me for a loop - thought I was looking at the curvature of the earth. . .

I'm not even sure what I'm looking at in picture 3. . .

crap. Well, I used a junk email address for that one. I think. . .