
The problem being not enough of the wrestling and WAY TOO MUCH of the horrid crap captured quite succinctly in this review.

So Heath is going to be drafted by Superstars??

Part of the reason why I've grown tired off WWE's programming is the constant need to explain EVERY SINGLE THING, as if all viewers are stupid. Intelligent people like to watch too. If it's not clear, then explain. Otherwise….

And "Hair vs. Hair"!!

Nick talked about it in a GBV forum. It was less a firing, and more of an amicable split. Bob didn't want members to bring their wives on the road, and Nick (a family man) decided he wanted to be at home. Long tours can be rough.

BORING. I mean, c'mon. I LOVE watching weirdos on YouTube doing eating challenges and would watch that stuff live on Twitch. So somebody pukes. BIG DEAL.

One of my favorite Abe Vigoda moments was in the otherwise unwatchable Pauly Shore movie, Jury Duty. Oh, that man's smile just warms my heart.…

Perhaps he didn't want to see the constant campaigning. Just a guess. Of course, he hasn't been able to escape it, as I'm sure he's asked about it all the time. Maybe *that* is where perceived ire is coming from.

I think there's a perception of "bad blood" due to recent tweeting, but I look at it this way: Joel has said from the start that he wanted to involve the old guard in some form *and* pay them for their troubles. Perhaps he hasn't reached out so much… yet. My guess is that this thing has been a total whirlwind

The telethon was old skool bad like the overnight times of the Jerry Lewis ones. I'd love a DVD of the whole thing.