
Catcher doesn’t have the right to throw his foot out without the ball, just as runner is not allowed to plow over catcher waiting for the ball.

Thanks for letting us know which jokes are acceptable.


It looked like interference to me, but doesn’t explain why Judge didn’t put his glove up! How about a little effort glory boy.

Did you know he played in the little league World Series!!??

Whoa, back up. B-more may be black, but the fans present do not represent the city.

I did the google, that guy is a poor imitation

I’m not gonna do the google work, was it him?

I agree, most NFL fans I know that are upset ‘prefer’ college basketball. Wink wink

He is twenty nine!!?? Someone tell this kid life is gonna suck more than this.

I couldn’t believe the stat the other day that said there were only 62 African American players on opening day baseball rosters. So yea, 30 in the NHL seems high

The ‘64 Phillies would like a word with you.

Bummer that you have experience, you must have tons of things to say. My grandparents are not flaming racist, maybe it is you

I live in the bubble I guess, but bar patrons actively booed?

The cowboys are playing right now on Sunday. Good try though

People that wear hats all the time infuriate me. I support theses players 100%. But take your fucking hat off while you eat.

This will not be the last story of white guys saying they were forced into it. Scary black guys, but a little more coded

You are just looking for hits. Who ungreyed this guy?

Waiting for Trumps attack on Steve Kerr’s father...

I work at a D1 university, I love randomly seeing the basketball players. Tall people fascinate me.