
Maybe the backlash has already happened, but I will be interested to see if Dr Strange gets the same amount of hate that Holdo got for withholding the plan from everyone at the end (unless the opening scene of IW2 is stark saying ‘Strange told me what we needed to do to win so we all good now’)

I've mentioned this before re: Mad Mad: Fury Road, but way that film builds the friendship between Furiosa and Max is superb. The trust they build is earned and genuine rather than due to exposition ("You have to trust me!") such that when Max hands Furiosa a rifle during the motorbike chase, you know they are in it

I genuinely thought the "gut-punch" in this season was going to be that, after all that was said and done in the trial, Joe was still found guilty and the town would have to deal with all the issues that had been trawled up in a public court.

Agreed - and further to that, we know he's guilty. There's nothing in the trial that has made me/the audience believe that he didn't do it. The case is basically just "the cops didn't do everything by the book".

No love for Robocop?

Complete side-story about Zodiac:

Complete side-story about Zodiac:

Maybe the panel hates Pun-Runs? Or JO's singing?

Maybe the panel hates Pun-Runs? Or JO's singing?

Ok I feel like I'm talking about the elephant in the room here but did anyone hear the How Did This Get Made Liz and Dick mini-episode with the guttingly depressing half hour interview with the JeShirts guy?

Ok I feel like I'm talking about the elephant in the room here but did anyone hear the How Did This Get Made Liz and Dick mini-episode with the guttingly depressing half hour interview with the JeShirts guy?

Finally someone else who is still listening to PCHH!

Finally someone else who is still listening to PCHH!

I loved this film. One of my favourites this year.
The heist scene alone is just brilliant. One of the most suspenseful things I've seen in years. But I think everyone is getting hung up on the explicit politics (which, it should be said, is jarring as all heck). But the street politics in this film are fantastic - the

I loved this film. One of my favourites this year.
The heist scene alone is just brilliant. One of the most suspenseful things I've seen in years. But I think everyone is getting hung up on the explicit politics (which, it should be said, is jarring as all heck). But the street politics in this film are fantastic - the

The Truman Show? The scene in the bathroom where Truman is pretending to be on the moon (or "Trumania") and the guys in the control booth are trying to work out whether he knows about the cameras and is playing with them or "is back to his old self".

The Truman Show? The scene in the bathroom where Truman is pretending to be on the moon (or "Trumania") and the guys in the control booth are trying to work out whether he knows about the cameras and is playing with them or "is back to his old self".

Can anyone recommend a good starting off point for Thrilling Adventure Story Hour? Is it…the beginning? Or is there a better place to kick into it?

Can anyone recommend a good starting off point for Thrilling Adventure Story Hour? Is it…the beginning? Or is there a better place to kick into it?

Nauru's most profitable export, after they mined all their phosphorous, is forged passports. Which, really, would be pretty useful in an Olympics…