
Including this one? Since that would be ironic. Though when I moved into my first condo and had all my stuff to unpack, I had to come to the realization that most of what I owned was junk. I'm a tinkerer, so I collect parts and what not that I say I'll do stuff with and then never actually do it, so it starts piling

Thermos 24 oz BPA-free Hydration bottle. I have like 10 of these things because they cost 8 dollars and last forever. They are the best because they cost 8 dollars and last forever.

Thermos 24 oz BPA-free Hydration bottle. I have like 10 of these things because they cost 8 dollars and last

That's because you only go on pizza night

While all of the information above is accurate, it's basically only useful for spotting people who are either uncomfortable with a weapon or who are carrying it improperly. Most quality holsters that are designed to be concealed are very difficult to spot, and the people using them are used to carrying, and won't

Great idea! In a more public locale, such as an airport lounge or restaurant, if you're carrying a bag or purse you are unlikely to forget, then never place anything down outside that bag. Pull out your cell phone, use it, then place it back in the bag. Pull out that Kindle reader, use it, then put it back in the bag.

this has nothing to do with overtaking, vs not overtaking, anyone.

I keep reading it as "Perversy", for some reason. I don't want 10,000 hours of practice at THAT.

Also, there's significant research that shows that the 10,000 hour rule isn't scientifically sound. It's a great sound bite, and Malcolm Gladwell popularized the notion, which is seductive because we all want to believe

I agree but to be fair when I get one of those $5 Extrabucks coups I guard it with my life...


Spoiler Alert: You are in Paris.

There are people who don't just cram the entire thing into their mouths at once? Huh.

I got into a daily habit of writing just before last year's NaNoWriMo. Since then, I have missed only a single day of writing.