
those exhaust stacks make a great place to deposit old cheese, those little bags of dog poop people leave by storm drains, tubes of pillsbury crescent rolls, trucker bottles of...

I predict that Smart car tipping will be replaced by Google Car Confusing, some well deployed traffic cones will have one of these going in circles...

I once sneezed hard enough that I hit my head on the steering wheel whilst driving, kind had a scary moment and was glad the road had fairly light traffic. Until her phone records prove otherwise, I'll believe her.

For when life dumps an Explorer right on your face. Volvo. For life.

I will stand amongst the few (very few) that do not mind the looks of the Panamera, in fact I will go as far as saying I like them. In a design by Xerox age where one can confuse a Hyundai with a Mercedes, Porsche deserves credit for the Panemarea creates its own style.

Witnessed this in person. Was selling my Honda civic, buyer comes to collect it, car hadn't been started in months and was parked in a way ya couldn't get cables to the battery, guy pulls the battery from his friends car, and whilst standing in a puddle of winter slush (forgot to mention it was December and