
Yes: Chloe Silverado. Which is almost as good a fake name as Anastasia Beaverhausen.

Mine was S04E15 of The X-Files ("Kaddish").

And adrenaline injections.

Then apparently I only got as far as page 9 ;)

Glad to see the power rankings back. Missed them the last couple of episodes.

That's totally how I read that scene, too. Pete now has someone completely under his thumb and he can finally be the petty little tyrant he's always wanted to be.

@avclub-ad7bdcafbea74680e11d25162a145507:disqus I tend to agree, but OTOH, they managed to check in on Peggy while she was at CGC. I long ago stopped ruling anything out on this show …

@avclub-40e90db13ab31c7efd64228034182c2e:disqus Walt did know about the inscription. It was in the case file Hank was reviewing in "Bullet Points." Hank even asks Walt about it and Walt claims the initials W.W. refer to "Walt Whitman." This is where the flashbacks come from at the end as Hank suddenly realizes who

Plus which Lane had just accepted a position as the head of the finance committee for the 4A's (American Association of Advertising Agencies), thus putting him in an even brighter spotlight as a supposed examplar of agency finance leadership.

Plus which Lane had just accepted a position as the head of the finance committee for the 4A's (American Association of Advertising Agencies), thus putting him in an even brighter spotlight as a supposed examplar of agency finance leadership.

Re: #1. I was thinking the same thing but I can't figure out from which episode.

Because nobody under the age of 35 knows what AOL is?