
Good on the Frisky, and excellently worded court of public opinion not court of law.

You do realize that even when women are getting paid to do porn, that if they say no and if they say their SAFEWORD, that the scene must come to a SCREECHING HALT? Fucking christ.

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

If you can’t afford the dog, how will you afford food and vet bills?

I don’t think the comment section on Jezebel is the place to ask for donations for anything.

Oh thank God he’s only attracted to 14 yo’s instead of 5 yo’s! Are you kidding me? I know some 14 yo girls, they look like children playing dress-up. They believe too easily, they’re terribly immature.

this is highly reductionist. colloquial usage of words shifts and changes over time, especially when marginalized groups reclaim them. it’s valid.

So, having children should only be a luxury afforded to the affluent?

Are you willing to take a liberal Southerner as a refugee if you do this?

You can spend your money to watch this fight live. Or you can wait an extra two minutes and watch it on YouTube.

Johari, girl, you my hero.

“their approach to children has always been: ‘If it happens, it happens.’”

see this kind of story is why I lose my mind if my period’s two weeks late even though I haven’t seen a dick in a year

i am really into your use of “disgraceful” here and am imagining it as my primary butt compliment from now on. “damn girl... that butt is disgraceful”

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

Can someone just tell me ONE person/place/thing that I can truly trust? Because my cat is getting old and I’m not sure who I’m going to turn to after that.

Matthew 6:5

Avoid LenaDunhamsTesticles down there; as though the name weren’t obvious enough, LDT is a pretty dedicated misogynist troll, spends most of his time on Jezebel and its sister sites harrassing Anna Merlan and anybody who suggests misogyny is real... then acts deliberately obtuse, refuses to acknowledge facts that run

Why do people seem to think that “I made this work” translates to “Everyone can make this work.”