how rih get pragnent
how rih get pragnent
this is no place for your facts
Opening sequence of Christmas Vacation, of course kinja won't let me paste the link.
Origin: United Arab Emirates? Pass.
Origin: United Arab Emirates? Pass.
See also: Clark Griswold
Classic? All of that black plastic will turn grey and look like shit within the next 5 years.
You expect her to shit in the same toilet every day like some kind of fucking peasant? Queen Bey needs many thrones.
Oh, I just assumed she was talking about... something else.
Dumpster Donnie channeling creepy Uncle Biden *shudders*
Salad causes cancer. Probably.
Hipsters drink PBR.
I recently saw a copy of Flipper in the tuna section.
I love it.
It snows in California.
You are not alone.