
Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

So Casey Affleck apologized and paid restitution to the victims. Also its not like he assaulted them: their allegations were that he was crass toward them. This is hardly on the level of Donald Trump and physically assaulting women.

F that, there needs to be a stigma for suicide. Unless terminally ill, you SHOULD feel like suicide is wrong. Normalizing it is idiotic.

it was a good joke

“But the other guys are worse.” is sooooo inspiring.

This statement is why the modern liberal movement is just as intellectually bankrupt as the conservatives. “People who disagree with me obviously are of low intelligence and shouldn’t count.”

So I finally watched what this whole Pineapple meme is...

Yu Darvish is in the process of serving up a plate of nice tasty meatballs for Blur Jays hitters to feast on.

B.) Why the fuck did they feel the need to have her dancing to “Booty”. Forget Hough, seems like the producers are simple shits and masters at pigeon holing.

Maybe he was wearing Kevlar?

Down South they call them “Sprinkles” because you don’t need a full shower but people insist on doing SOMETHING.

Why couldn’t 2016 just take the guy from Spin Doctors instead?

Can we hire this grounds crew for the Pro Bowl?

He knew it was Andrus in the mask and yet he still had an uncontrollable fear/rage reaction even with his little children right there with him. That’s about as bad a case of coulrophobia as I’ve ever seen. No idea how he managed to take his kids to the circus. My eldest is afraid of clowns, but this is a whole other

Tons of pick up games under my belt. 6' 3", 185 lb. white dude that could dunk with enough running start and no defense. Decent shooter, handler, passer. Gritty defender. Never the star, but never embarrassed.

Aren't you up a bit late for a school night?

Someone didn’t play the first Injustice or understand the context of the game/comic’s universe and just wanted to make a snarky anti-BvS comment.

“Was Odor’s punch a sucker punch!?!?

Grow up, the internet doesn’t stop for you

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.