
This was a pleasantly kind comment!


I work in Logistics for Goodyear Tire & Rubber, and "Urgent" is ONLY used when something is wrong in Customs. Anything else is just unnecessary.

Thanks! I think Latias was just the last pokemon I caught natively on Sapphire. Misremembering.

Excellent! Thank you. I was stressing out about this one.

In Ruby and Sapphire, IIRC, you could only catch Latios/Latias once you had completed the rest of the pokedex. Is that still accurate? Am I remembering wrong?

This was a wonderful article. I don't understand the hate in the comments.

Is that Tyler Oakley?

My mother has been a pediatrician for 23 years now, and she's got a habit of bringing the lingo home. For years, my parents addressed each other as "Mom" and "Dad"-to each other-and for all intents and purposes, had no first names. Was it weird? Not as a kid. But as I'm a grown ass man now, I almost exclusively

It took until the comments to realize this wasn't Cloud t0 Butt's doing.

He's wearing a Royals shirt in Man of Steel.

Gotta add here, UMC is a great hospital by all accounts; my fiancee did her residency there. It's a shame to see this.

Dear god, I shouldn't be laughing so hard.


Was there a noticeable increase in traffic monthly after you broke the Manti Te-o story?

The Mechanic remake. Clearly his best, and not just because Ben Foster graces us with his puppy face.

Derek Holland (or at least, his old fiance), for suggesting that his twitter was run by said fiance.
