This sounds like an industry plant of an article. Hmmmmm!
This sounds like an industry plant of an article. Hmmmmm!
Really Old Sheldon, in which he confronts the horror of a life spent in pursuit of vainglory and hollow awards and meaningless plaudits, because it is all trifling and waste against the vastness of the universe and the cold truths that the Earth will be swallowed up by the sun, and all his achievements ultimately…
Yet another illustration that game design and aesthetic is more important than raw power or graphic quality.
Because now people are talking about something that otherwise would’ve been utterly ignored.
Press X to doubt that Nintendo shared anything Switch 2 related with something called Ai Shark lol. This is just a marketing stunt.
Because in America, kids get the cops called on them when they hang out outside.
That’s what I’m wondering, cause like hotels deal with WAY grosser shit (Pun intended) than a dump in the bathtub. I mean, least it was in the tub, and not the bed. Which I’m sure they deal with a lot too. Getting banned for taking a dump in a bathtub also just seems like a huge overreaction.
It’s a very strange situation. You’d think even if you did poop in the bathtub somehow, you’d clean it up, it wouldn’t be terribly difficult. In this case it seems like he’d have to not only not clean it up at the time, but then like, leave the room so housekeeping could find it.
Most of the discussion I’ve seen agree that the story drops the ball in the last third. In part because Ultima makes for a lame villain, but also because all the other thematic treads — e.g. slavery and man’s culpability— get dropped in favor of the JRPG trope of killing a god-like figure to solve everything. FF16…
Wouldn’t you take the vibrating anal bead out of the shit tub? Like did he do this and then call housekeeping to clean it up without disposing of the evidence?
Why call it the Switch 2 when Super Nintendo Switch is right there?
Dude what?? Hacking has potentially devastating consequences. It should not be a slap on the wrist crime.
Hooray! Comments are back, too.
Right— like is this returned Jezebel going to continue with the classist, ageist, internalized misogyny and conservatism that they thought was “politics with teeth?”
My sincere hope is the site is not just back but returns to some of the former quality and insight that made it a an outsized-pop culture staple. Frankly the site had been in decline for years before its shuttering. I don’t mean to shit on you or any other writers who, I gather, have been working under less-than-ideal…
And so is the comment section! Hurray!
I completely agree with the top 3. But AC3 is ranked far to high.