
The problem with that is most history has been made by repugnant figures 

I look at Columbus differently than the Confederate monuments being toppled.

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

To be honest what Rowling intended as messages and what fans got out of the books seem increasingly at odds the more we learn of her politics and intent.

That’s funny!

Actually the biggest thing you can do just day to day is call out racism when you see it and tell that person it’s not ok. If it’s from a peer then it has a greater impact. People are not going to check themselves and realize that they need to grow if there is no friction for them because people are not speaking up.

There would still be armed responders of some kind to deal with truly violent and dangerous people. Nobody (at least nobody serious) is asking for a Purge-like total withdrawal of protective services. Anyone who claims that’s what it’s all about is either an idiot, or a supporter of right-wing, authoritarian, racist

Pilots have a union, but I am pretty sure that their union doesn’t defend them when they endanger lives.

Oh man I really hope they do all call in sick and then nothing happens, making it clear it was the police that were escalating most of the time. 

BNA enjoys Studio Trigger’s usual visual appeal and a premise full of interesting concepts. It’s pretty fun overall, but very little of its plot sees any follow-through. It’s clear the show is trying to say something, but never entirely apparent what that might be.

That the long, slow murder plays out in its entirety and the murderer is staring into the camera with one hand nonchalantly tucked into his pocket is what moved a lot of people from what I can tell. And that it happened during a pandemic when people are unemployed and feeling vulnerable helped quite a bit because

yeah - it’s this. It’s that arrogant smirk on his face, while he’s pressing down with hi nee. Not only is he not responding to the pleas from the crowd, he’s leaning into it.

He’s showing them who the REAL boss is - who has the REAL power. And they better not forget it.

You can see one of the cops go to help him and immediately get yanked back by another officer. I cannot even. 

I think it’s because you haven’t seen the full video. I’ve seen tons of police brutality videos. Generally, they’re short and if they end in death it’s from a gun shot. This was different. It was long and slow and painful and my hands kept clenching into fists wanting to reach into the screen and stop it (never had a

This is what happens when someone has no fear of accountability of any kind.

You left out a key element of this. The official report first stated that the man “tripped and fell”... that Is, until the video emerged.

Yup, same with the lies on twitter. They know that all they have to do is say “yeah, they totally attacked us first!” The people who want to believe it will have their opinions validated and never follow up or look for accurate information. Even when they take it back, the lie is already out there. 

It’s more than meaningless, it’s an outright lie.

I live in DC and have been attending the protests all week, and the scariest thing to me is the presence of literal mercenary contractors mixed in with the police. They are driving around the city in unmarked SUVs and trucks, and are identifiable by their mismatched military style gear that doesn’t bear any