
Thanks for writing this! A good chunk of people killed by police end up as statistics and especially during this week of protests, they’ve been pretty much shoved under the rug.

I don’t think the lack of coverage is malicious(arguable for mainstream sources),as it’s hard to keep up with so much information hitting us

Except these protestors were by all accounts peaceful until the police suddenly went after them. Nice try, but nobody is going to buy what you are selling, "democrat".

The best analogy I’ve heard yet is that you don’t call the fire department to spray water on every house when one of them is actively on fire. Yea sure, all the houses matter, but that’s not really the most urgent issue.

The way the cops interacted gave me the impression that they’d done things like this before. One cop stands guard while the others squash the black man in custody. I do say black, because that’s clearly who they target.

Wow...a medical examiner lied? Next you’re gonna tell me every aspect of our criminal justice system, even/especially those superficially designed to guarantee “objectivity” and “accountability,” simply ends up supporting the worst abuses perpetrated by that system!

I also grew up in the 80's and my mom preferred to buy all of our school clothes at Penny’s. I one time asked her why we never went to Sears, she had no real answer, other than in her perception Penny’s was nicer and Sears was for appliances. I grew up middle class, so for sure Penny’s was the indulgence. It was the

The rush of nostalgia I got off Season 3 of Stranger Things was unbelievable. There was nothing in the world like the 80s mall. 

As an 80s child I was raised in malls.  Now I order stuff from Amazon like it's a digital Sears catalog.  How the mighty have fallen.

The faltering of 2011 is an interesting case-study in behavioral economics. They made products cheaper overall, yet people preferred the higher-priced items so they could get the rush of getting a discount. Makes no damn sense, especially because retailers like Walmart and Target rarely have coupons or (Significant) sa

And now the same hypocritical crapstains who created this situation have the nerve to call for ‘peaceful protests’ after ridiculing, blacklisting, gaslighting, and ignoring *exactly* that for decades. Well, a-holes, you reap what you sow. You told the entire POC community that peaceful protests were a joke, so now you

Whenever your heart stops receiving oxygen, it usually results in a fucking heart attack.

It’s crazy how many cops got away with murder before the advent of universal video recording. Hundreds of years of injustice and yet, despite this incredible leap in technology and availability, they can still find ways to get away with murder.

I’m pretty sure there is no “cops can indiscriminately use lethal force” law anywhere in America.

As others have said, intent is hard to prove. While you or I can look at that video and know without a doubt that he was trying to kill Floyd, I’d imagine they’re afraid of getting a tearful cop in front of a jury and having him be like “I’m just a high school dropout, I had no idea the neck was involved with

I suppose. It’s still a hell of a price to pay. I played all three on PS3 within the last few years and I don’t think I paid $50 for the lot combined, netting them all through $20 or less sales. And, like I said, the collection was just free on PS4 and can probably be bought for $20 or so pretty frequently.

I just

Lawyer here (though in Canada and not the US). I imagine it comes down to evidence. 1st degree is a high bar (judge/jury have to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that there was malicious intent) and if the prosecutors didn’t think they have enough evidence to convict on it then they should not charge someone

Ding ding ding. 1st is harder to prove.

It’s a start. And to be clear, whatever you think about the reasonableness of rioting and looting in response to agents of the state engaging in racist violence, the ask really wasn’t that unreasonable. All that it would have taken to prevent what happened the past few days was to arrest someone who was caught on

I'm inclined to believe that dude is a cop.