
In the course of clearing the streets and restoring order at Lake Street and Snelling Avenue, four people were arrested by State Patrol troopers, including three members of a CNN crew. The three were released once they were confirmed to be members of the media.

“Okay, the Minneapolis PD have lost control of the situation, send in the state patrol to help quiet things down.”

It’s not like he was free and running around. He was in a hospital under police supervision the whole time - he wasn’t going anywhere.

She will get past this. In a week or two, her gofundme will be at $200,000 KKK money despite her previous Barack Obama affiliations. Because she totally, secretly voted Trump.

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.

To be fair, we should absolutely be watching the gun nuts too.

I don’t mean the Lite.

They do free login campaigns pretty frequently.  One just ended May 17th.

They don’t have 30 day new player trials - the Starter Edition, aka a new account, comes with the standard 30 days subscription included in the “price” (whether you pay full price, discount, or get it through a free promotion like the one they ran on Twitch sometime in the last year). That’s what this is, and it’s

The promotion is super clear, man - “get A Realm Reborn for free on the PS4.” It doesn’t get more straightforward than that, and doesn’t even imply that people who already own it can login for free or whatever. This particular situation is entirely on Ethan for trying to use the promotion to do something that wasn’t

There are plenty of free trial periods, or “return” campaigns. It might be a slightly convoluted system, but if you want to play, you are $13 away from just playing

“Square Won’t Let Me Take Advantage of a New Player Sale for a Game I Already Bought Years Ago

Welcome to Step 1 of the Wonderful Friction-Filled World of Square-Enix. Many more fun memories like this are ahead should you wish to continue.

So your complaint is that you can’t get in on a free starter edition of a game you already own the full edition of?

The promo is for the software, not the sub. And they run free weekend campaigns fairly regularly. You’ve got plenty of choices.

Are you serious? “I have multiple older characters, I bought the game a long time ago, why can’t I play a free trial again?”

You’re right, it does. But I stand by that it’s somewhat misleading.

It’s fairly clear in the promotions I’ve seen that players can download ARR for free with this sale. So when an article about the promotion goes on about it’s difficult for the writer to use it to play the game using that promotion, it’s not hard to

So you are mad that you can’t use a promotion that is aim at new account only because you already bought the game in the pass and already got your free 30days?

This is clearly a user error case and not a problem from Square-Enix...

Now playing

It’s fairly common knowledge by now, but it’s worth pointing out that Pixar always envisioned Woody as a jerk, and the challenge for the writers wasn’t making him flawed, it was toning him down enough that audiences wouldn’t absolutely hate him. In the original draft of Toy Story (which Disney execs disliked so much