
In high school, the mega conservative Christian kids who were always trying to convert people had never heard of the Crusades.

This is genuinely fabulous news. What is this sensation? I... feel like I don’t know how to respond to good news anymore?

I first watched it with a group of friends that included a major anime-skeptic, and he audibly cringed every time Edward did his whole “don’t call me short” yelling schtick. It was a shame, because he said he was repeatedly getting into it, only to be taken out of it by another screaming jag.

Yeah, the lack of Cowboy Bebop makes this list quite suspect. The show has held up and I can usually sell people with the line “Did you like Firefly? Firefly basically stole its entire concept from Cowboy Bebop.”

Brotherhood also rushes through much of the manga content covered by 2003, and as a result, many iconic moments - including the whole Nina business! - are much less impactful.

Funny enough, my mom enjoyed the original and hated brotherhood. Even the early parts were better (compare the ole Nina Tucker episodes and you realize the punch just isn’t the same). I liked both but as you said, the bittersweetness of the original is probably better for the non anime fan. Brotherhood is definitely

Good recommendation! I definitely think the list needs more wholesome, positive entries to help attract people new to anime. Everything on it is dark.

I’d put Little Witch Academia on there because it’s just about as wholesome as as action/fantasy anime staring young girls gets. It’s got that over-the-top Trigger animation and humor (sometimes it decides it’s a mecha anime for no reason) with just a bunch of sweet characters.

Interesting observation: these are all really dark and heavy shows.

I’ve seen a lot of anime, though I’m also a major critic of most anime... and both Black Lagoon and Monster come up as mediocre in my mind. They do nothing to leverage the medium, and Monster in particular goes on and on and on... amounting to very little by the end. Should’ve kept it a concise 26 episodes, I think.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

I know Ford relies on the government for a lot of breaks, but “it’s his choice”?? No, it’s your factory, you can tell him that he needs to wear a mask.

When Mr. Trump took off the mask, the chairman felt compelled to not object, the sources said. When a reporter asked if he was ok with the president not wearing a mask, Ford replied, “It’s his choice.”

YES! This show was so absurd and delightful, I can’t wait for more of it. Wong and Haddish were so fun in it, but my biggest surprise was Steven Yeun--I never watched Walking Dead, but a “serious actor” like that usually doesn’t make for a great voice actor but he was SO good and delightful. I can’t wait.

It still amazes me that those FOX reruns make up like 70% of their schedule.

I was always sort of on the fence about kids, but the nail in that particular coffin came when I finally landed my desired job after a decade of schooling/intern/paid in sunsets work to get there. And I realized that if I had a kid and ever see it, or be there in a way I would want to parent, I would have to leave my

I’ve never been comfortable with the blowback influencers like Kendal Jenner and Bella Hadid have experienced for the Fyre Festival debacle. Aren’t they victims in all that, too? Why should it fall on them to inspect the product they were contracted to sell? That’s not their department. They were paid to promote; they

We live in a country run by wealthy, older, mostly white men. It’s beyond their comprehension that people are quitting their jobs because childcare literally costs more than many people take home in a year. It’s beyond their comprehension that, by the time many couples have the income and stability to afford children,

Ironically, this is when I was born (36 in July.) Mother Dearest just CANNOT understand why I have strongly ambivalent feelings about bringing a babe into this fucked up world.

Sorry I can no longer laugh at the actions and the foolishness of these Karen’s, Taylor’s, Dalton’s, Breleigh’s, Hailey’s and other fucked up damaged people that are damaging us. Why do I no longer find humor in their reckless, blatant lack of give a shit? Because assholes like this vote, they breed and they appear to