
There have been a handful of games that actually had strict no streaming rules, and put the smack down on people who tried.  From personal experience, I can remember Tales of Zestiria actually blocking you from using the share button at all, so you couldn’t even take screen shots, much less stream.

I actually found the “does this spark joy” thing to be really helpful when going through my stuff. So much stuff I was holding on to...just because.  It forced me to consider if I actually enjoyed owning something or not.  She’s also right about books. My life has been so much better since I freed up the space

I’ve done my research and aside from all the obvious scams, our society CAN’T go all in on NFTs right now in the way some companies are talking. Not without burning the rainforests and making it even more impossible to get consumer electronics. The possible benefits do not outweigh the negatives. I’m not gonna say

There are a lot of parallels to the Tulip Mania craze in Holland in the 1600s. Just like in that, it got to the point where it wasn’t even about the tulips anymore, and people were being sold contracts for future tulips in the hopes of selling it to the next guy for more then you paid for it, who hoped to sell it for

One would hope, but this is also the company that very nearly bankrupted themselves with a single CGI movie.  I’d like to think they learned from that, but I’m really not so sure.  They have a pretty long history of making baffling decisions that end badly for them.

As a huge nerd, I’m sad that all the channels I used to watch are now just dumpster fires. There was a show on Science channel the other day talking about how Moses was a wizard. I have Curiosity stream and get PBS Documentaries off and on, so at least ALL hope is not lost....for now. But stuff like that is way less

For that I kinda get it. A LOT of the humor in UY is dependent on knowing about Japanese culture.  Even it’s title is a Japanese language pun.  I’m always a little surprised The Simpsons has been so popular in other countries for the same reason.  I imagine a lot of the jokes go right over people’s heads.

The original didn’t exactly leave a lot of room for a sequel.  I’m fine with something being one season if they tell a complete story like that.  Live action does not, and in fact ends with set up for a second season.

I completely believe him, because after Stormblood had queue times like this, they did everything in their power to avoid it for Shadowbringers. The Shadowbringers launch was smooth as butter, I don’t remember hours long queues even in the busiest of times. They were really upfront about not being able to get the

Having finished the Endwalker MSQ myself, I can tell you it’s just as good as Shadowbringers.  I could not have predicted ANYTHING that happens in it’s second half.  Do your best to avoid spoilers, because I was floored and shook.

I don’t know that I would have been nearly as into Wandavision if it had dropped all at once. Was super engaged talking to my friends who were also watching it and coming up with theories (that were all wrong).

It took me 6 hours to get in today, thanks to getting booted out of the queue constantly.  I’m fine with queues, I expected it.  But it sucks to sit in one for 2 hours only to get booted out and put back to the end of the line.  Also sucks I have to sit there and basically babysit the queue in case it boots me.

Money. And also a narrative being pushed that everything is fine and we need to get back to normal.But for some of the smaller vendors and small business owners....I get it. I have a friend who’s business is (was) traveling to conventions all across the country selling. Also a lack of conventions meant that all the

Paper Mario is an awesome game, and one of my favorites’s still an over 20 year old game at this point (much as it pains me to type that).  This amount of fanfare for it seems weird.

A lot of these complaints sound like they’re coming from managers and if they’re full time that may be the case. Benefits hold a lot of people to shitty jobs. Not just medical, but starting over at a new job often means starting over with zero paid leave. Store I work at your aren’t eligible for leave

Was gonna say the same....this is retail at Christmas anywhere. I work in a big box department store and have for years, and every year Christmastime is a stressful, awful, understaffed nightmare where we all get pushed to the brink. The “understaffed” part is worse this year, but that’s the same across the board’s been that way forever.  When I was a kid they made cartoons out of super adult movies.

I absolutely hated the battle system.  I don’t know why they think we don’t just want a normal rpg.  I ended up basically cheating by the end when I had more coins then I knew what to do with and using them to have the Toads figure it out for me on the non boss battle fights.  Sucks because I found the rest of that

Honestly my Nintendo online subscription is basically just my Tetris 99 subscription....and sometimes Pacman. 

What I really want, and I don’t even know if it’s possible, is something the size of a Switch Lite, but still able to hook into a tv. I don’t really take my Switch anywhere unless I’m going to be gone for days. It’s just too big to throw into a bag and play when I have a few minutes to kill. Owning both the Switch and