Moonbatting Average

I don't get it. The FoST, FiST, and GTI sell like hotcakes, but add a few inches to make it a wagon, and all of a sudden it's a non-starter for the U.S. Market. I'm in the market for something like this as well, and it's baffling

You Yurpeans:

“Definitely not “timeless,” but I can’t imagine a time when this car won’t look good.”


There’s aNXS of puns in this thread

My first car was a 1984 diesel Trooper. C to the MFing P

Or let his kids play with Transformers

Somebody needs to render unto Ceasar

Backstory = necessary

Agree with you mostly, but I would argue that there are plenty of women who are stronger and faster than, say, Lewis Hamilton

“I was shocked to find women have their own independent chess ranking”

Some sarcasm meters appear broken

Turtles are awesome

a great many of the comments on this article illustrate perfectly why women and girls might not take up an interest in Motorsport. Irony isn't dead after all!

I think that because Patrick is a bit of a novelty actually proves the point that racing is a boy’s club. She hasn’t been all that successful, but she’s at worst below average (

Guilty as charged. Now go look up the physics definition of “work” and get back to me.

Further, even if you think that women can’t physically compete in racing, which I think is debatable, why are there so few women crew members, or co-drivers? It’s a boy’s club

Liberal lunatics? Way to keep it classy. I think the point is that Motorsport is one arena where women can, in theory, compete directly against men. Yes, racing is physically demanding, but it’s nothing like, say, defending against Dez Bryant, or trying to score against Kawhi Leonard, or holding serve against Novac

Makes sense, thanks for the info

I fundamentally don’t understand this car. It’s like Porsche decided “We have the technology and engineering talent to make a car that’s fast as hell but won’t try to kill you. Instead, we are going to make a car that will try to kill you” If Walter Rohrl was scared of it, virtually nobody has any business driving it.