Moonbatting Average

Let’s pretend we don’t know in which State this occurred. Which would you guess? I would go with Florida, Texas, and Arizona, in that order.

What’s wrong with pork rinds?

Blue over silver with blue calipers and interior, gloss carbon skirts

If you like Calvin and Hobbes & the Far Side & Doonsebury, you'll like Bloom County. It leans left, politically, so your mileage may vary

More insane: WRC or MotoGP? I feel like rally is more nuts at the highest level, but I can at least imagine myself competing in a scrub-level rally; motorcycle racing looks terrifying

Gary Larson is so great

Acme Sprocket

Also, Raph, can I please get a Garage follow? I promise to behave

This would make for a lively NPOCP



I think there’s a fair argument to be made that Landcruiser is greatest automotive marque

A “UMADBRO” vanity plate is needed for this exquisite of a troll job. It’s hilarious and awesome and I love it. CP.

I love almost everything about these, except that dang fuel cap (I think?) in the middle of the hood. The green one from a while ago didn’t have that, and looked much cleaner

Exactly. Count me among those that are stoked for both shows

Foodspin is back? Halle-fuckin-lujah! BTW, Chris, that pork belly recipe of yours was one of the best dishes I've made, so thanks for that

In the case of one’s mouth, spitting and vomiting are sins, but blowjobs are just fine (Can’t pull out, though)

So, does it run on Liquid Schwartz? Because I don’t see a gas tank.

I like it better than I thought I would, I bet it looks great in white. One quibble, though: Why haven’t we moved past big, clunky exterior door handles on a $2MM supercar?

With regards to the Ruf, does feared = unloved?