
Great article, more in depth stuff like this please.

...the locomotive first served on the Reading Railroad out of Pennsylvania before getting shipped off to Arizona.

We’ve all been there. I applaud the effort.

Engineer by trade so I’m familiar with the equation and knew what it meant. It’s just that unlike most flying machines my pathetic attempt at a joke failed to land...

Isn’t being in Salt Lake City punishment enough for this guy?

I believe 5 pieces of patriotic flair is the bare minimum.  Are you OK with doing the bare minimum?  ;-)

How about washing a car? That’s typically when I use microfiber cloths

what a nut case….you must be a JOY to live with….

The governor is busy keeping masks off people’s faces because “Freeduhms!”

So the takeaway is Tesla’s autopilot is about as good as a bunch of the worst drivers out there. Really scraping the barrel for excuses.  

The Frontier has always been the store brand Tacoma.  Thats fine.  Sometimes the store brand tastes better.

Not to beat the Mike Rowe drum, but welders can make really good money. Realize this guy has probably been bringing in a paycheck since he was 20 with no loans to pay back. Your local welding shop guy probably does alright and he stays put. If you take the training, pass the tests, and are WILLING to travel, you can

trolls like Warren ... (he’s blocked me on Twitter, sadly)

I’ve demonstrated this a million times!

Project Postal, Redwood, Swiss Cheese, Slow Devil. Even my red XJ that I hydrolocked. I off-roaded the CRAP out of the Willys (and ruined its motor in a deep mud pit)...

Oh, you want me to off-road the Lexus! That’s what this is.

You must be new here. Welcome to Humanity.

Q: How do you drive across the country in a Jeep without getting stranded?

Yeah, may as well finish the job.

Going for the trifecta with the Tesla Stans, the Mustang-E Stans and the Bolt Stans, I see. Years of playing Atari Berserk should have you prepped for this.


But enough about Nascar...