Moon Iguana

Or like Mahatma Gandhi Bara Dada said:

I’m atheist, and Richard Dawkins almost converted me to Christianity.

Marriage used to serve a much different purpose even within Christianity not that long ago. It was much more a property transaction. They do things every day counter to the doctrines of Christianity and yet that is the sticking point, half of them being divorced anyway.

Newman, a “very committed Christian,” told Campus Reform that she felt “punched in the stomach” by the university’s statement.

In the interest of fairness there were 10,000 times more Minecraft ripoffs on the Xbox Live Indies thing than “smut”. A few gems could be found but not many. Shoot 1up had the sexy lady part covered, but was probably better than 80% of the stuff on regular Xbox Live Arcade. It also had those dead killer whales on the

And that’s all the Final Fantasy XV the Switch is getting. Poor lil Switch. Still love it. 

Football Is Fear<em></em>

Drew Magary’s Thursday Afternoon NFL Dick Joke Jamboroo runs every Thursday during the NFL season. Email Drew here.

Sadly, this was not my bartender’s reaction.

I had a lengthy debate just this weekend about how C.H.O.M.P.S was a dog who was a robot, while A.X.L is clearly a robot who is a dog.

Tim is streaming One Hour One Life over at Twitch with Jason Rohrer. Join us in the chat and subscribe to Kotaku on Twitch for more.

I wouldn’t consider fortnite’s “story” a story, I’d consider it a hype train. But Blizzard is way too slow when it comes to lore.

Mei and Reinhardt both starred in shorts in the past 10 months. The comics are usually the most reliable form of backstory exposition, and often contain clues to new game content. (Moira was hiding in Doomfist’s introduction all along.) The story-based events are the story, not just the cutscenes. You’re playing