Are you asking because you are searching for sites where verbal abuse isn’t encouraged, or because you are trying to divert my point?
Are you asking because you are searching for sites where verbal abuse isn’t encouraged, or because you are trying to divert my point?
You’re welcome to use google, there are tons of websites and books that cover the categories of Verbal Abuse extensively. Since, as I said, I have witnessed this website become a space that has become increasingly verbally abusive towards women, I choose not to get into deep detail and explanation, because verbally…
Just so you know, you’re being verbally abusive in numerous ways. I’m not going to respond to anything else you say, but if you do wish to grow as a person, feel free to research on your own time to understand why!
Yep, plus putting “singing” in quotes matches several categories of verbal abuse
Criticism is literally a category of verbal abuse.
ohhhhh ok
I listened to Pheobe Robinson interview Lena Dunham on SOOOO many White Guys and it changed my perspective on her a bit. She infuriated me for years, but Pheobe called her out and Lena just listened and fully showed her respect, and it made me realize...yeah, she’s fucked up a bunch, but she’s also reasonable and a…
I’ve always seen Jezebel as a feminist blog that deconstructs gossip culture, but after years of sharp parody, I do think in the past few years they are becoming exactly what they stood against. I say this because it makes me sad, Jezebel has been a big part of my life and has made me laugh for years, and I don’t want…
I’m not going to explain all the categories of verbal abuse because it’s easy enough to research on your own, there are many, and this article and many of the comments that follow match them.
Of course Jezebel is a blog with many writers of different opinions, but verbal abuse is an exact term that refers to very specific categories of behavior, and this article matches several categories of verbal abuse, as have more and more articles over the past 3 years.
I don’t understand why a random online forum is being used as a source to discredit Selena. Sure, some people said something somewhere, but they are completely random and people are constantly speculating, that doesn’t mean it’s accurate. I clicked on this article curious because I was like: “Oh is the song good, let…
Your article is awesome, and clearly people didn’t read it entirely before storming at you.
Cats have another claw, up the leg, past the pad of the foot- this is the claw xe is filing.
While I agree that no one should bully Ed Sheeran personally, I think there is still considerable room for more negative comments about “Shape of You.”
He’s just jealous.
I agree that there is a real possibility of a future where people like 45 have 5 different subservient wives, but at the same time, polyamory is most popular (and healthiest, from what I’ve witnessed) in queer relationships, where one or more of the partners are LGBT+. These relationships aren’t always more equal,…
That’s fine. It’s basically about boundaries. Every individual has the right to set personal boundaries for their own protection, and they have the right to not be violated, and to defend themselves when people are, or are attempting to, violate them. Sometimes the way people violate us is by lying about us, or…
Uh, did you listen to Lemonade? Beyonce doesn’t diss Becky at all, just references her. It’s all about the deep betrayal from Jay-Z and then the eventual redemption and forgiveness. I haven’t heard Jay-Z’s song yet, but the lyrics shared were him talking to himself and placing the blame squarely on his own self.