
That must be it, because there’s nothing else there, nada, nil. The film squanders the entire promise of the opening sequence, and does it in the tritest, most obnoxious, and super-offensive way imaginable. (I first saw it when I was roughly Mariel Hemingway’s character’s age, and my entire reaction to her plotline

Dylan is adopted.

I hate, hate, hate Manhattan (possibly with the exception of the opening sequence) and cannot understand its perennial appearance on best-of lists.

Here are some personal favourites set in Paris, all of which are vastly superior to A Midnight in Paris (which, full disclosure, I can’t stand):

Possibly, though the actual source material is Dreiser’s An American Tragedy - something Allen has refused to acknolwedge.

Clinton campaigned on policy. Trump, arguably, campaigned on being anti-Clinton (and, of course, anti-Obama).

Logged in just to star. Keep gyring, you slithy tothe you!

For what it’s worth, “sucks and is bad” seems to be the advance word on MotOE.

What the what?! That’s one genuinely disturbing video (and song).

To be fair, when “I Saw Her Standing There” was written, McCartney was barely 20, and his then-girlfriend, who inspired it, was 17.

Thank you! Was mourning BCO/OTM demise post-its move to Thrillist.

Huh. My bad, in that case. ETA: my theory wasn’t that she didn’t know who Singer was, just that he wasn’t day-to-day involved in Dark Phoenix.

Significantly better than the movie.

Most films have a dozen of exec producers; the person actually responsible for the film is the producer. It’s entirely possible that Chastain didn’t vet the exec-producer roster.

Sounds like she might benefit from a mentoring conversation though, before the through-the-wall stare takes hold...

He is a remarkable stage actor. Turns out, he’s an even more remarkable douchebag, sadly.

Charlize Theron’s mother killed Charlize Theron’s violent, alcoholic step-father; there was an investigation, and the attorney general chose not to prosecute, agreeing with the claim of self-defense. You might want to revise that post.

I wish I had more stars to give.

Sam Smith sings the absolute worst Bond theme of all time. Possibly co-worst, with Madonna.

A glass of milk (whole, ideally) to wash down medjool dates is a thing of beauty.