
In order to avoid getting humiliated by bullies during middle school, I would hide in library during lunch. I imagine many reading know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, okay. I'm a reasonable man.

The only partying Beck I want to hear is sex-freak Midnite Vultures Beck. Accept no substitutes.

The whole point behind the concept of kyriarchy (TIL a new word!) is that all points of oppression are contextual, that is, they are more or less "bad" given the point at which the individual contacts the systems of power.

Over the top is its own reward. It's sort of the definition of camp, which is really Luhrmann's guiding aesthetic.

Fountains of Wayne - "Mexican Wine"

I heard an interview on NPR where Carl said that he wrote Challengers for the woman who is now his wife, detailing when they first met and were dating other people. They knew they were in love, and had to break off their other relationships in order to be together. The song was not a nostalgic look back, but a hopeful